For Thaný IS0DEMAND#INEMA IrITT/S 'EA4IV 'THE HAM YU CIJT WITH A FORK" /1. of the season. If you missi surefa have it Ihis yeor. ear- Why are thousands of womefl planning théir Thanks- giving dinners to include Wilson's Certified Turkey with Tender Made Ham? Because a slice of Wilson's exçclusive Tender Made Ham, served with turkey and. other "fixin 's," makes one of the most perfect com- binations that ever greeted a Thanksgiviflg day appetite. To enjoy the mar- velous tudernes and convenieflce of Wilson's original ana exclusive Tender Made Harn, ask for it by name, and insist upon getting it. Cornes to you ready to eat or to beat and serv'e. . 1"C S OLLS , 130y- e ' Sjj,ýG îouýf Dyss 'r-flfs VA .suppla 11~'~ burilb aMI lr Mode Ha the BoUtS 1ii Il yELLOW WRAPPEI9