Turky center of Raspberry Icee in French Vanifla Ice Creaxn. NO. 2 Turkey center of Choclate in, New York Cherry Itee Creami Eaeh Brick. 55c ORDIR YOUR THANKSGIVING FANCY. M OLDS NOW... Pumpkion Moulds r j iL .11! . .3 pumpkifl tee Creaifi cen- tee Cream. Brik 0 é ,~ "-RiISEST MADE'-WE DELIVER 1237 Green Boy Rd. WI Ccou Wilmel1e 477 For Protecto of Bech Tenew pier, shownflin th taff photo graph above, isbenbut T~WAlra he Kenil orth. beach to replace the ol.d breakwater swept away . -i, storms. ,Of special clêsign, its Purps st rvn erosion and wll also prei>ent the wne' r teat sormnpn ti bars int one place and scouriflg out dafgeroUs d.eep spot n nter. Methodists Conduct Christian Science.. - li Churches Tw efiv osafld Meodis Episcopil churches tlroughout the "Mortals and Immortals" was the country are observing Fellowship subject of the lessofl-sermoni in ail Week November 14-20. Progranis Churches of Christ, Scientist, onîtroughout the week will lead up to. Sunday, November 13. ýFellowship Sunday, November 20, The olde tex wa, 1 If aywhen ail-day meetings will .Iaunch manhe gln rit, e wa, If ray the neW church year. Fellowship matibe n Cris, h isa nw Ycea-Week wilI be the last nation-wide. ture ol th ngs are pas ed wa ,, ,observance of the fellow ship of the 1behod, all things are become ne- iMethodist Eiiscopal churc.h as a doth flot yet appear wUlat w nl ship to be knowfl sinpiY a m be: but we know that, when he shah ehds cuc.Te nfcto appear, we shahl be ike him; for wil heal wounds left by the Spit we shall see himn as he is" (1 John over slavery in 1844 and the earler : 2). spit over the- issue of lay representa- The lesson-sermon also included tion. the following passages from the _________ Christian Science textbool<, "Sci- BORN ARMISTICE DAY ence anid Health. with Key to the Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hlavacek, Scriptures, " by Mary Baker Eddy: 3413 Hartzell street, Evanston, are "Mortals are not like imrmor.tals, the parents of a son, Ronald, borfl --.i God,on nimage; but in- 1Amiqir av at the Evanston hos- VI LLAG E University 0616 Greenleaf 7441-1482 Rogers Park 8780-4090 Hlighland Park.- NilesrCenter Enterprise,3030 Lake Ave. «sud SIkokIe Valit Home Grown Dressed Turl1 Franik Meier's GiIb.erts p 1.~ 1' .1 *rocks rs from