Regular $6.50 Vatues in RED CROSS SHOUISl Discontinued Styles at $ Size are incoMplete, but a good size range inithe lot. Low an4Cuan ees ii porsstreet and dress styles. Buy sev- era1l pairs at this low -sale price. R~ed Cross shoeS have tl plus cornplete foot coniort. W:OMtriSKIDDRSAY-IS *Black, blue, red. Kiçd uP- pers, leather soles. Chi A to C. Special Sellissg of Our Famous STrUBSUES OXFORDS and es and1 this eti Sale of Our Regular $3.5 MENIS TRIPLE- TIIREATERS. s3.24 "ý ýial ruy. 15%Disc iout- Great Bargains in BOYS' PREP OCOATS Even our fine Woo4smnan boo0t s wth' a dandy scOut kntfle are special priced for tis great value sale. 8/to 12.......... l 121/2 to 3............ *3.25 *3.65 WILMETTE :.LIFE I ( 7.77 3. 27 2.76 3. 11 ýýe4 At a il! i e b.0 Idt Day Sale -Price $1.29