Faclory Closeoul of01- Discontinued Numbers. AT: MORE /Ë Hurry*.. they woni't Iast long at this price. Three of the rnost popular pat- terris, Moss, Ixia, and ivory n. coral,- green and yellôw. .Nt al ieces an&d styles in ail colors-but there's a good. selection-SO. corne early t Flower Pots and. Saucersi Rose BowI5 and Vases49 Were $1... ................ c Bowls, Vases69 Were $1.50.................69 Oval.,owls and Vss., Were $2, for ................. f Bowls and Vases $1~.19 Were $2.50, for............ Vases 169 Were $3.50, for.............. Vases and Console Sets $3.49 Were $7, for............... fl3eautiful neW IamPs de- slgned by Iternbrarldt Gai- lerles *with onyx trim bases, b eautifully- tallored shades. Ivory and gold or bronze color finishes. Table Lamps Genuine onyx bases trimn- ,med with gold color fin-, ish-and irnported crystal* parts. Al, with silk shades or brocaded cel- $ 95 aflese rayon shades. $4 Potte ry Table Lampe, in a cholce of varlous col- ors ýof ýpottery to harnm- nize with your dcoratlflg schemne.. Comlete w th silk shade. Regulryi 39 -speciallyprced or Vie- bUoldt Days $9 at ........ .. COCKTAIL OR MODERN SMOKERS 99c, Cocktail smokers in black and nlicel; 1Udrn srnoi- ers in grained mahogany and nickel. 'Special for Wieboldt Days. Pliotograph Frames Sizes 5x7 and 8x10. Guar- anteed flot to 5 tarnish. Each ..5 M in hjdur #ÉbI 64 napkins to a box. ,orbent and tailored to fit. ANSTON -W L M ETTE LF