Meternity Center Friday night wiil see the cul- mfination of mnany weeks of work- ing and planning for the football dance and breakfast te. be given' by the. North. Shore auxiliary of *the Chicago Maternity. center. The:Pajrtyý will, be held at the Saddle an& Cycle club in Chicago at 9:30. Freddi e Hinkle's orches- tra wIll furnish the music. * important. events of the evening will be the "Trip' to the, Fourth Dimension" conducted. by Vincent Gottschalk, and- the demonstration, of the Lambeth walk by Miss Mar- ian Keeney of Winnètka and her assistants, John McÇallumn, Esther Morgan, Bob Doyle, Athea 'Mur- phy. and Ray Goss. Later Miss Keeney wiil lead the entire party in the' popular new dance. Despite' her responsibilities as general chairman Mrs. Lee Shedd will have a buffet supper with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Larrabee, one of the ticket chairmen, at her home in Evanston. Dr. and Mrs. Leland .Johnson are also entertainiflg at a buffet supper. before the party. Amonn the cocktail parties to be The enilwort gil .enz4ing., ciga~rettes iWlW the Sun- beam league sponsors its annual, charity bail Saturday 'evening, No- vember 19,' at the Blaclcstone hotel. From left ta right they are Dorothy Wieland, Madeline Porter, and Barbara Buehier. The mothers. of the three are ail tnterested in the event's saccess, and two of themn are mem bers of the league's board. Mrs. Albert Buehier is chairmnan of ar- rangements for the league, and Mr 's. Irvin L. Porter is league treasurer. Mrs. William Wieland, is an active member af the Sunbeam league whose worlc is maintaifling kindergartens for underp'rivileged chiidren in anumber of institutions in Chica go. Miss ,Barbara and Miss Madeline are junýior nem bers aof the 'ieague. Durant Phioto at Shawnee Party This year the women of Shaw- nee Country club are planning an .,unusual bridge party for. Wed- nesday, November 30. The com- mittee. has been hard at work. for weeks completing the ar- rangements. There will be a light lunchon served ati 1o'clock and there will be bridgewith th e usual prizes. At 1!30. there will be a demonstration of dances-incIuding the La mbeth walk *which has caused such a stir among' young and.old this year. Miss Agnel Frank and James.Weckler Martine, twýo welI known exponents of danc-, ing, wilI entertain and demonstrate. Mr. Martine is the latest of a long line of famous dancing masters ii) Chicago-. He is 'the grandson of Pro- fessor James Erroin Martine, whu foundedl the Martine School of Danc- ing- in Chicago in '1857, and the son of Mrs.- Edwina, Martine Weckler who continued the school after Pro-. fessor Martine's retirenient. He W'on the Veolarida contest in 1935, having competed against',mrore than 2,500 couples and has had engagements ail over the country, including -ain extended' engagement at the Drake hotl ad an engagement at 'he The patron and patroness list for the football dance and breakfast' in- cludes Dr. Joseph B. DeLee, Dr. Beatrice E. Tucker, Dr. William C. Danforth, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dew- e Y, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Florshelm, Mrs. Walter Clyde Jones, Dr. and- Mrs. Louis Sauer, Dr. and Mrs. Godfrey Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. James G. 'MeMillan, Mrs. Ralph E » Heilman, Mr.~ and Mrs. Kenneth L. Wilsoni Mr.~ and Mrs. William The fourth reading in the serieS of book< reviews sponsored b$r the North Shore Friends of Chicago Jun- ior School will be changed fromn Wednesday, November .23, at Shaw- nee Country cl,,b ta Wednesday,, No- vember' 30, at the home of Mrs. N. Chase Flint, 233 Warwick road, Ken - ilworth. Carl J, ad "A], and Heaven, The Un iversity of Wisconsin Alum- nae club of Chicago wili hold a Mex- i can Fiesta from .4 ta' 7 o'clock on Surnday, November 20, at the Georg- ian hotel, Evanston. Orval Simpson of Winnetka, world, traveler and lecturer,, will show his' colore'd mQvie of Mexico,-and Mis's Donna Kleiner will exhibit' wa- ter colors and pencil sketches which she made while touring Mexico by i)k mule. $enor Salvador Mendo- ta New York wnert e esuiawi Ned Wayburn. it was Miss Frank and the pupils of her school. whO 'entertained last1 Eastér at Shawniee Country club. ,Mothers jo Give- Tea for Beta Theta Phi The Beta Theta Pi Mothers club of Northwesterrl univers ity cha pter, The P The Women of the Rotary Club Alumni of Chicago held tijeir regular, month- (Thursda: ly meeting Wednesday at the, Hotel honor of1 Sherman at 12 o'clock noon. "Globe everit ta] Trotting" was the., subject of the house on1 talk, given by Jula Bock Hardwood. campus. with livan, sociali ai torm the members of will be in charge. WILMETTE bLiFE i 't comir tees,.