Miss Marjorie. Jayjne Brandi, a former Glencoe girl who now -Uves in Evanston, will- be mar- ried to Maurice H. Cazel. of Deer- field Wedlnesday afterüoon, No-. vember 23, ut 4 o'clock, in. Howes Mernorial chapel on Northwest- ern un'versitlJ campus. Miss Braiich is the .dmughter of Mr: aizd Mrs. John W. Branchl, Mr. Cazel. the son o f Mr.. and Mrs. *Homer G. Ç«zel. Manidel Brothers Photo. ,Marjorie Branch Wili Marry Maurice Cazel ilo es \Iorial chajel on1 North-_ western universit.v campus xiii be( the sedi iingfoi. tle mairriage ()f .\iss Marjorne Jayne Branch and Mauricc H. Cazel. Aliss Branch is the, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Branch. formeriSr of Glencoe. Mr. cazel is the son of Mvr. and 1\rs. Honmier G. Ca1zel of Dcerfieid. -1Vis1ý Barbara Branch xviii *b e her sistr soni attndat: r..Cazel Wil hatve hiîs lrother. Fdwardi, - sý best nan, and Steven Chase of Hîigh- ianid Park xiii ushcr. Thfe Rev., Douglas H, Cornell will perforrn the cremoniy at 4 )CloCk Wednesday, November 23. Mr. Ca- zel and1 his bride will live at .540, lBriai, place. Chicago. Deceniber 1.1 Miss Branch, attended the Uni- Slvings'Of $165 to $1065 on' shoe yo'llwear ai winter Regulcir $6.50c $ $7., Sh oes .85 c Cazel 1s i ty. to be given. at H-ullrIl The Myra Lane chapt session Wednesday with ry F. Clingmnan of 91 road, Winnetka.' Mrs. was, co-hostess. JDick EDGAR A. STEVENS. ne. 1624, Orrington Ave.1. Evansfon