MeifloOlSi iu Holds Open House Preceding Her Wedding p Miss Margaret Mary Moore, cat Two-Day Bazélar duhe fD.and Mrs. William "Core toOurPart" IstheWilmette,, who is to be rnarried Sat- cordial *Invitation *of the memnbers udyt arneJsp crml of the Womaf'S uil othi n of Mr. -and Mrs. Lawrence M._ nual bazaar which opens today, Schramm, 872. Oak street, Wmnnetka, (Thurs Iday) .at the, Wilmeltte was the guest ofhxnor last Thursday Methodist church, and closes to- vnn"tasoe ie yMs Harold Voltz and Miss Marion Carl-* rnorirow, nightý. Mrs., A. L. Fuller son, the'maid of honor, at Mrs. Voltz' is presidentlof the, guild and Mrs., homhe,. 822. Spru ce street. The guests Clifford..E. Ives is gerieral bazaa r pr esented. the bride with a, silver service and a hostess gown. Threwllb a d* jî~ B ridge, was played during the eve- fascinatiflg gifts--bothý useful and Thursday,0Otoberý 28, Ms .E novel, to please everybody from ProppÎer, 4940, East End avenue, Ch.i-. grandfather to the youngest grand- cago, gave a' handkerchief. and child and the holidays are comning hosîery shower for the bride. closr al th tine.The. bridegroom's parents, Mr. and dose ailthe ime.Mrs. Schramnm, are entertaining at ,.Gay Christmas wra3ppings, ads.a ditier party Frjiday eenirg gat and decorations will be found in ad- their home before* the weddin-g re- dition to a mnodel Thanksgivlng. table. hearsal. and Mexicain corn, colorful gourds and bitterSWeet. Many practicai needs may be supplied at the Trad- ing Post where winter clothing, snwN I .suits, skates, and useful articles arc .i. Artist 1t xflibit to be found, ~ at HadassoIi Programns Afternoofl .e garden Lneheons an tea vvill booth, id <irnr and delicious.' s in the. Great At a tea ait 2 o-clock Saturdiyý afternoon, November 19, at the North Shore Con.gregation Jsrael A mezz-ýo-soprano and a studlet of voice with a miember of the Chicago City Opera conpanvp. Mrs. Paul H. Gathercoal is to be soloist at the 7reglar iucheonw mneeting of the North S h.or e A l-u:mn ae association of Chi Ornega Frid.ay, Novemnber 18, ot the Northwvesterfln i vrrs ii q Chapter houseý Paul Stone-RalJIflr, Ltd. Photo TaIk for Junior Sand SeniorClub Senior Ouest day will be ob-ý served by the Junior auxiliary of the oiWinnetka Woran'sclub at its. next meeting, Tuesday, Novemn- ber 22, when ail memnbers of, the Woran>'g Club are invited by the: Juniors to hear Dr. John A. Wil- son, direcetor of the Oriental in- stitute. leading American archeo- Dr. Wilson's fascinating subject will, be. 'Digging in Bible Lands." The institute- has had twclve expe- ditionsý in operation in the Near E 'ast. dealing with, the. period dur- ing whieh the foundations ôf civ- ilizéd life camne into .being., and Dr. Wilson will tell of his cxperiences with these expeditions. Hie did gra-duate work in Egyptok- ogy under the late Prof. James Breasted at 'the.._University of Chi- ca0,o. and for the, past eîght yeýirs has been teaiching-, that subject at the university. * is talk is to be giyen at 2 oclock. *following a 12:30 -luncheon; The hostess for the occasion is Mrs. J. B. Martineau, and. ber 'assistants are Mrs. Paul Jester, Mrs. Gordon Brittan, Miss Dorothy , Rutz. Mrs. Sevmour Rnns. Mýrs. Boyd Lewis. Juniors, and they are prepariliga tantalizing array of dainties together with ice cream, taffy apples, fresh nuts, pop-corn, and a grab-bàg for the kiddies. Assisting in this booth are Miss Frances Cutier, Miss Alic~e Jackson, and Mrs. W. B. Nickol. Chidren will enjoy the Hobby and Pet shows. The entire famnily will be interested in the Wilmette Historical room where mnany heirlooms and unique souvenirs of early -Ouil- me~tte- ioneers may be found. iknown jewyisu caL iDl, wiiubu -1** r,,. represented in' nine American mnu- seums, including the New York Met- ropolitan. The tea is open to mem- bers and friends, as is a meeting planned by the Hadassah group for Wednesday, Novemnber 30. Under the auspices of the Jewish National, Fund committee. Hadassah will gIve a luncheon at the temple at 12 o'clock. The integral part of the programn preceding. and following Kentuckians' rrogram Mis, Harry R. Kendall of 197 Oxford road, Kenilworth, xiii enter- tain the Kentucky Society of Evans- ton and the North Shore at her home on Friday. November 18, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Robert C. Weiller, a mem- ber of the society and well known in Evanston for her drarnatie abil- ity, wiii read the one-act play, "Sup- niýp-,t-c Desres, as part of the iiing, Decerrber 10. Gen( wïll be announced later. N C.E. own G1rl Have Dance Salurday' The Town Girls' association at the National College of Education, which is comp-osed. of ail students not liv- Mrs. Burt A. Crowe of Kenilworth the Cour and their son, Laurence, Jir.,p is w th at Court] Mr'. Crowe' sister, Miss Addie Mae for sevi Crowé, in Owosso, Mich.> schools.- tland State Normal sehool Petersen is business manager of and ninteteenth centuries and ex- and, N. Y., and has taught Bric-a-Brac, the Princeton univer- ecuted by G o r d o n' Dunthorne. n years in the Winnetka sity year book. Both young men Members of. the club will make a are juniors, tour to the city to seé the collection. ay eye- ~rlplanýs WILM, ETlrE LIFE