e FIREI US THE COMMON E£NEMY 0F. AU. PROPERTY YoNIS RE YOU SURE *EDQUI£LY INSURED? EBýERLE" INBURANCE AGWNCY 6. G. Eborle 3 Nottoli Brou...Produce Co.. 1-6 8 4 01<1 Monk Olive Oil Co. .14 10 5 Town Crier Flour ......... 13 il 6 Bremner. Bros .............. 12 12 7 Gebhardt's Eagles......... Il 13 8 Ail American Foocis .....Il 13 9 Stewarts Coffee ............ 10 14 10 Hydrox Beverage-.......... 10 14 il Borden Cheese............ 10 14, 12 Crosse & Blackwell. ........ 3 21 Two Hundred Club! Memnbers Rich Rugen' of Breminer Bros. en- tered. a dual application fo r men-. bership in te"0 Club" with scores of'201 and 202. Roy, Severin of Town Crier Flour had high score of theé evening with, a total of 223.. Frank Weibel of Borden's Cheese made application with, a score of 2*13 'and Adolph Peters.on,, captain, of the Town Crier' Flour, teain en- tered with a fiat .200. Pairings for NextSerles Bremner. Bros. vs.ý Gebhardt's Eagles iCrosse & Blackwell- vs Stewarts, Coffee Town Crier vs B2r.lçp Çheese Old Monk vs Lipp Paper Co. Amour - & Co.- vs- Hydro Bever- age Nottoli Produce vs Ail American December 13th Next Party Tuesday, December l3th, will be manufacturers night, when the team sponsors and bowlers, will have as their guests the store own- ers and employees who do not bowl. It will be ladies' night.--1 1 Team*W L Tom Lynch Booster's 19 Il Wolff and Watt Hdwe. 17 13 McDaniel Candy Co. 16 14 Del Bonnern Tailors 14 16 Boulevard Drug Co.--'14 -16 Quinlan 'Record Service. 10 .20 ) n ýrent and .533 .467 .. 4671 .333 WILMETTE WOMEN'S LEAGUE Locust ýFarm Stores, are the league leaders..and want the .rest, of, the girls, to knoW they plan to stay: that, way. They stopped Hi- Ridge Market, last week, winning. three gaines. Ben Erick.son Delivery, ledb- Marge Berg, who had high gaine. with 175, and high séries with 4321, won three gaines froinRan -Flor- ist to go into a tie for second place.. 1 High team series for the evening was rolled by Locust Farm Stores with gaines of 640-613 and 654-1907. Ratny Florist is going to give a highest series next week. Standings Teain Won Lost -Pet Locust Farin Stores- 1l 7 .611 Hi-Ridge Market 9 9, .500 Ben Erickson Delivery 9 9 .500 Herman J Ratny Florist 7 11 .389 TIIETA UPSILON RHO LEAGUE An exceptionally large number o! SClimnaxes Show Season Ever since the first International show in 1900,' the exposition has opened. on.the, first Saturday after Thanksgiving, a calendar position that has ma ,de it both the close and climnax of. the continént's agricul-. tural fair- season. Since a. majority of, the herds and fiocks that are exhibited at the Chi- cago exposition 'have, been prize, winners. at county and state, faire and sectional expositions,-. held. earl- jer in the year throughout, this coun- try and Canada, the1. International1 Live Stock Show has long stoodas a court of last resort, where win- ning animais are accorded the high-, est honor that the show ring can: bestow. The exposition will be held in the new International Amphitheatre, at the east entrance to the Chièago Stock Yards. The building cnvers six acres of exhibit area and was built to meet the special needs of the show a! ter which it is named. Farrn Crops Featured This year will mark the 2th an- niversary o! the International Grain and .Hay show, a departinent of the live stock exposition. The crops show is the largest competitive ex- hibition of its kind in thé world. leaders Tom Lynch Booster's Mvon- i red nailberg 51corec t rcriULum day night, the boys put on a fine ber of pins for the girl's tearn while exhibition o! bowling, taking two Mae- Hale and Verna Parkhurst dis- out of three gamles. playeci a marked improvement. Two Quinlan- Record Service won two couples rolled individual . gaines. gaines froin Wolff-Watt hardware, namely, Hugh Carrington and Lou- thanks to some swell bowling by ise Husak,- and Ted Hosking and AI Berol, who joined the teain again Dorothy Eisler. This was the 1Oth a!t-er a brie! vacation. Berol fin- week of competition for- the mein- ished with 235 which was high for bers of the league. show's secretary-manager, temci~- -vance entry_ o! both live stock and -crops is the largest in its history, and plans are being made to re- ceive approximately 14,000 head o! live stock at the 1938 exposition. RETURNS TO NEW YORKC Miss -Bertha Middlekauff,- former- ly of Chicago, left for her home Wilmette Battery &Electric'Service WlIm.1t. 048 Just WPest of JBank 74e-1 2h St. II203~ P. 1~ -J. P.% i. Kneip~., )urke, 200. Secretary .ade for