about±~>eocray r1 bias; and then it must be agreed Miss Wells also spoke at the COUn- upon by.women from coast to coast,. cil meeting held by the Wisconsin ail with pet causes of -. their own. league in Waukesha on theî chai-'.-ht omn orýnar lenge of the present day to thinking "ht omn o"naret women, and the course ol acti .on Itheir, program is, however, alter ail, take o preerve emo1 the ieast of it. -The big thing is they maythat they ail WORK for'it." racy. Must Maike Contribution lllustrating, some of the nion-par- Ouoraiaonogttbein tisan. issues on wh ch league mem-, a, position- to make a contribution br rmcatt os r i or, this. subjeet as we hve been.1forming th sevs Mis elj giving thought. to it, for 'eightee n!named four of ..the most- popular yea-rs-7 sa id Miss Wells. "W6 early 1'subjeçts: (1)> Organization or reor- dcedthat democracy can. onlygaiation of government, fdrl be made to work by working for state, and local; (21) quaiified per-J it.sonnel for governmnent service; (3) "LIt can't'bc done by, cheerin g the collective peace system;,,,(4> col- for. demnocracy. It cani be donc only lective - bargaining. - by -partîcipating as citizens in pub- lic affairs. To go to wvorkI on gov-: INJURED ýIN _FALL ernm ental matters necessitates a Henry Harris, 1109 Clark street, knowledge of howv to function as Evanston, suffered an epfileptie at- citizens. That mnust be taught-and tack Monday morning, and fell up- L These Local Standard Dealers C. Ferrel Sheridan Road at loth Street No Ma&n's Land., A4 G. Nordgren South, End No Manet Land AT YOUR CAR p v them start- drain