garden. recreation rage with apt. abovt A REAL BUYZ Frances Jý. 614 Willow Road Caîl %LT $55000. ixViscott ýWinnetka 1267 -147LTN28ltp UNWILLING 'OWNERS DEATH: MADE THE ONE. ANUNWILL- ing owner, -transfer east the ther. Both .houses are, brick, bath, .4 bedrms.,. 21/a baths, both niearly new, and bath priced at $16,500-represent good sav- ings ta -the buyers. Both are wvithin 4 blocks of Indian Hill ,station., Let -us show. themn to you. NORTH SHORE, REALTY 523 Winnietka Ave., ..Wnnetka 31 l1LTN2-ltc IN BEAUTIFUL SETTING Situated on knoll. amid, fine old trees on quiet street. near tranisportation. Authentic Cape Cod Colonial. 5 charming rooms on first, spac.e for 2 'mare on second. Air conditioned. Taxes under $100. Hea $100. Priée $12,500. FIlA.financing, $60 per ma. McGUIRE & OTRR, Ine. 716 Vernon Ave., Glencoe Glencoe 13 147LTN28-ltc EAST KENILWORTH BRICK COLONIAL, 3 BEDROOMS, SUN- roam, 1 1/2 baths. Built in 1930 an a large wooded lot. Priced at $11,000. An excellent buy in a most desirable sec- * tian. Close ta Sears schoal, trans. and stores. See this and other North Shore praperty in our PHOTO TOUR 0F HOMES. V R. B. WHITAKER Co. large witfl a generous nireplace. L'iniAIA room, -with south windows. A delightfui pine library or stun jporch. Deep garden~. 4 bedroorns, on second floor and 1 on 3rd. A bareain! Ask us ta take you through. FUILLER & PICKARD. Uni. 7444, Winn. 303. 147LTN28-lte ROOM NEW 7 RO BRICK COLONIAL. 2ý'z TILE- baths. Breakfast room, VenetiaTI blinds, recreation 'room. Air conditianed heat. Nicely landscaoed lot. 2-car garage. Will trade for srnaller house or: wel-located .McGUIRE & ORR, Ine. 530 Davis St., Evanstarn Wilmnette 228 147LT28-ltc IS YOUR, HOUSE ýFOR RENT 'OR sale? If so list it With me today. . I have désirable tenants andý buyers. Cal on -me for your Automobile, Fire, Acci- dent,. Life or Casualty Insuirance service. JOSEPH-1 P. COLLîGAN ., fteal Estate,- Notary Publiéc Instirance Winnetka 1760 558 'Green Bay Rd. 147LTN28-4tp MUST SELL OR TRADE FOR SMALLER'N. -SHORE' HOME Owner.moving ta Florida...Wéfl planned à raom, 31,2 bath Colonial in one of Wirnetka's best locations. H. W.'ail heat. Beautifully landscaped '/,2 acre. Cal Owne's agent.: Winnetka 254. 147LTN128-ltc 7 ROOM FRAME RESIDENCE, LARGE . sleeping ýporch, breakfast porch,, ga- rage. Fine'trees. East side. Bargamn. Write A-216, Box 60; .Wilmette, 111. 147LTN28-ltp $1.000 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT, *and want' somebody who acftfl e!tle'l.' F. Pavlik, Jr., 614 Green Bay Road, Kenilworth 2016, nights Wilmette 2025. 147LTN28-ltp *10 WAN'TED TO SUY-IIOUSES RESPONSIBLE PARTY WISHES TO buy 5 or, 6 room hause, within mile of Wilmette business section. Price flot bo exceed $5.000, with small' down pay- ment. Give location and details. Write A-201, Box 60, Wilmette, Ill. .T274p . etter location il AI u Du*m is iau located one-balf acre Kenilworth lo prîced below the market! >For all de- tails see SEARS REAL ESTATE 421 Richmond Road Kenilworth 5288 151LTN28-ltc Sheridan Road, Lake Forest BEAUTIFULLY WOODED LOT. VIR- gin timber, lot 100x247. $2.300. A T.Týr « It INT YA 1\,M ilx 15 teet, *45, (.eorgirn gara aamask pillow -back. chair, ..$30, modemn chair. white leather, $30, modem .nest of three tables:$10, modern sofa, down back and cushions, $50. Winnetka 3962. 171LTrN29-ltp FOR SALE A ASACRIFICE, ;MY beautiful walhut dinlng roomr set, con- sistlng of, draw .end dinirig table, .4 side chairs, 2 ariii chairs, buffet and china cabinet. 'Used 6 months, cas! $1,200. Can be seen a!. Iredale's Fire-,proof Ware- house salesroom, 1723 Benson Ave., Ev- anston. 171LTN28-1tc KITCHEN TABLE AND. CHAIRS, $6. K -it, containers, 50c Set. Smnk,..$5. Radi-, ator,,$1. 3 prs. l1inen drapes, $5. Poles. $2 2esks, $5 ea,.. 2 chairs, white with chartreuse uph., $10 each. 2 chairs uph. in mulberry. $10 en. Misc. yard chairs-, $4 for, ail., 1206 Trower rd.j Winnetka 2278., 171L28-ltp BABY GRAND PIANO, -1 Clark." Aimas! new. SpU AJso Singer Sewlng machinE house motor. Both reasol Wilmette 3311 after 6:30 P. il PAINTED RECREATION 1 porch furniture; victrole -table, odd tables; mîrror; irticles. CaUi between 9 anrd 1934.1 cluding i arm chair Small server, Good e mette 3356. MAHOG. DRESSINGO drawers, library t sprlng mattresses, an lent cond. Very meas. 1; 7 Và 173L28-4t 2 BABY BEDS WITH SPRINGS AI) MA'RESS. 2 HIGH CHAIRS. BOY'S ICE SK<ATES WICKER DOLL BUGGY., WVINNETKA 3064. 173LTN28-t> .lARD COAL ýSTOVE - WO :YEARS old. Cost $00. Sacrifice -for $30. Like new.. 934 Elm street. Phone after 6 p.m. Wtnnetkça 13à4. 173LTNe8ltp> NEWý ENGLAND FEATIIEX BED, FINE forslp. ph.,$5., Lady's writlng desk, $3. (anoln,$.Rfe Marlin 22 wlth sight> 5<od nyt duit) . Wlnn . 876. 173LTN2-ltp HANO VIA, QUjARTZ SUNî LAMPS AND Infra-Red Laniûps. Used. Drs. models and, home madels., Physiclans Servie Bureau, Waukegan. Phone Ontario 7701. 173LTN28-4tp FOR SALE BLUE REED BABY carrnage. stroller; mahogany desk and chair:, gas steamn radiator. Cal Glen- cae 121. 113LTN28-itp 173LTN28-tp E CRI1. GOOD netka 3644. 173LTN28-Itc 28-ltp 17 OR- WTD. TO BUY-m4dISCELLAN«U@ Junk Dealer Goidman PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR ,dicals, papers. books, furniture. WANTED-TELESCOPE IN A-i CONDITION AND VERY REA. sonable, Cali eves., Glencoe 1387. 174LTN28-1te WA1XTED TO BUY- USED REDFAD SABLE SEINS, AND REMODELING. WINNETKA 2574. 174LTN28ltp City. Ca broer11505 Chicago Ave., Evansten Gre. u3030 Ali &. ýg- ne