Cameramen Goes l'o Diniier Ainoîig the. guests at the annutal athletic dinner at New Trier High school.Wednesda evening of last week, was Camneramian Albert G. pictured above. At the left, Tommy Tucker, sýoûnd Barbara Crowe Is Home effects man for Walt Disney, dis- plays the proper technique for the Prom Trip to Australia "Tarzan" call which hé dlai ms to Miss Barbara Anne Crowe, 234ý have originated and taught to Raleigh road, Kenilworth, and her Johnny Weismuller. Mr. Acker- brother-in-law and -sister,' Mr. and miann, however, declared that thù Mrs. Laurence Thompson Knott ofý photograph should have been en- Lake Forest, arrived home Tuesday! titled: ."Reaction of a man sittiingi night by automobile from California. through a Boris Karloff horror where Mr. and Mrs. Knott had driven ally sponsors theainer, chats withn faculty sponsor of the Tri-Ship club,1 two of the guests of honor, Paul1 Thomps on, member of the Black- i hawk ice hockey team, and Bill Stewart, big league basebail umpire and Blackhawk manager. Lower right: Mr. Tucker posesE with Bud Stillman, Tri-Ship- pres- ident, and Lew Fonseca, former1 manager of the Chicago White Sox,î and now publicity man for, the Amer-f ican league. paned as far as San rFrancisco oy1 Mn. and Mrs. Glenn A. IHutt, who are now, visîting the latter's parents. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Fuermann, 318 Sterling road, Kenilworth. During his' parents' absence, Laurence- Thornp- son Knott, Jr., has been in Owosso, Mich., visiting. Mr. Crowe's sister, Miss Addie *Mae Crowe. Laurence and his aunt are coming here th.e' first of next week., and Miss. Crowe w'i]l remain until after the holidays. for Chîristmas A Gift of Sheer Perfection MOJ U D Clari-phane, L901 Ridge Rd. N I 316 I I