2x36, 45x36 tc> match *Miake Ideal Giftis V We hâve t heinat Kayser C loves 65c to $1. Ripon Mittens iail wool. Fan'cy designs., pr. 59C to $1 House Cou*s. Robes IPajamas / $1.98 to Are most appreciated, 80 why flot shop whe re you can find an excellent selection either for the home or for. the family. Tiiisis the ti.rne:cof year to. be hiappy. Any woiiiati is liappie.st when wearinig a neW PACKARD DRESSES li Haif: aud Regutla r Sizes. Ma'yf lower Frocks, $3-98 'Pl Doris Dodson Juniors Sizes Il to 17 -98 t $598 72x84 59.9 lu1 lovely pastel shades, pure wool. Made Dancettes ln Satin or Crepe $1985 1O~to 59C 1 1 N ~-, 1148 Central Ave. D ECE-M BE R 8, 1938 New Georgianc FROCKS- Newin id w inler '4; les- and f abrics. $1 $.98 $3-984 2313i you to 12