HOLIDAY Don't neglect those ponts (A beauty that are yours anrd nobody, es's. Be sure to hiave themn de~ ;veloped AT b e a utysio P1 We tnclude a Neck and ack Masage wltb <Our 8hampý>os iý) enfral A%,e-2nd flotf Bank Bldg., -Rrn. 202, Wil. 79 ,,~ -J Moking Preotiratiotis for. Bazoar JO<i~ G~welef i. Cha 4a fti f~nZ Û,Udt~.UdJ7 *Dn,.cker. ctan-mran of rhe soc-ial committee, -tre tWUo of the girls takfing, active parts um the pre paruiorîS for the ba.:aar to. be p resented by -the *Girls' çlbr 0frit Trier High sclhorol this Satu.iday.' Photo 'Vf i F Dri cker by Bp-r?ie Mýiss virýinia Bise-r, 423 Green- le-af avenue. is returning Friday (f nextv.-ek jrom Ward Belmront co)l- lege, Nashvilie, ten.n.. t 1 spend the hohjidavs vwith her pare-ntýs. Mr and Mrs. A .Bsr D. -PAGLIARULO JEWELER A seleÇ' M led here extra so me- t hîing.* Ifss the knowledge Ihal you are giing a worihwhile, quality gift, as lasting as the Villag e ManagerMay Seil Lamp Fixtures Jus IasaàSi e-i Vilag Mnaer C. -M. s r f Ken'lw,.(rrth is. thinking ()fgoîng iiîVo the electnic light fixture buSiness- just ats a te-rîIpDTaIy- -ideline. Several years ago. Former Villaýge- Manager F. L. Streed. at thedirec- tion of the v-illage board, sold a quantitiy of obsolete street lamp reflectors to) an electrical firm. The' buyer went into financial difficulties be-fo-re he mnade cash paymrent for the t-eflectors. For some time. the village has been trying to collect., Recently-,the fîrm' sent. as an offer of payment; a num~ber of tail electric lam-p standards. AU Mr. Qsbo--rn has to do iiow is to seithem. PLANS CHIRISTM'ýAS READING. The Womnan's society of the Wil- mette Presoytenian church will hold an ahl-day meeting at 'the churcb on Tuesday, December 13. Sewiig, conrnpring at 10 o'clock, will bei The committee, consisting of ,George W. Barton, 1612 Forest ave- nue, trarnic manager for the Chi- cago Motor club;, Lester F. Bail, 736, Park avenue, representing the schools and Parent-Teacher associa- tions, and R. E.. Dalstrorn, .1634 \Val- nut avenue, representing the Ameri- can Legion. post. offered as a. resuit of- its work the draft of ýan ordin- ance which, Mr. Bail, the spokes- man, -u rged the board to pass. After' some - discussion,. hoWever, the pjr- psdmeçasure wa .s held aver for funther consideration. Mr.: Bail sta ted that the commit- tee had 1enilistéd the aid, of school children i n the preparation of the proposed ordinance, and by this means, coupled wi-th safety educa- tion ln the schoolt,. its prov isio ns are expected to be more easi]v en- f4orced. Gali l Haringjfor, Zoning A mendmnent Tuesday, Dec. 27 -At- Tuesdav night's -Village bo)ard meeting there was introduced an- or- dinance amending th e prèsent zoti- ing ordinance which %vas referred to) a committee consisting of MlsJ. Phillips, William J. Weldon. HeniryN Fowler, Arthur Youngberg, and Fred IM. Clarke, for the purpose of hold- ing a publice iearing, The committee immediatelyst the date for the publie hèaning, on the amènding ordinance for Tues- day, December 27,. at 8 prn., in the council chamber of the Village 'hall. The purpose of the pDrOpnsed dinaince is maily to establish, de-, finite "set-bàcks"! to be observed bvy the unincor.porated area' lying between -Wilmnette -and, Kenil- worth just east of the> railroads_ to be developed by. Irvin A. Blietz. 1160 IWilmette avenue.. This area. con- sisting of 81/2 acres, is expected to' be annexed to Wilmette. Eiutson, ton, 'for- taken a er, in St. *PAG 1166, WILMETTE AE jus t West -of Ba nk, WILMmU