ber 25. A crisis was passed earlier in the week when railroad officiais who had planned to run special- student coaches Thursday evening agreed to delay the departure of the train un- tii Friday, after sehool had offici- *ally ciosed. Arrangements for the studént coaches, New York bound, wvere made, by the Student Travel bureau at the university. bld Special, Party In addition to s u c h informai, Christmas. obse rvances as wreath- hanging, tree-decorating, carol-sing- ing., and bouse parties in fraternities, and dormitories. the students attended a Christmnas par t y sponsored by. the Student> Gov',rninig board. completeý with Santa Claus. and tree. Willard hall1, freshman women's dormitory, held its annuai. formai Christmas dinner thîs week. The university chorus g a ve a perfor- malice of "The -Messiah," Handei's great Christrnas oratorio. Bishop Frantk, A. M-c-ElwatxT, acting ~p-esi- dent of Seabury-Western theologicai seminary, presided at the annual candielight service of the. senhin- at-v. Attired in cope and mitre, Bi- shop McElwain read, the Ch ristmas stjory f rom, the Bible. Gifts For Nedcy. Charity wýas not 'forgotten by the situdents. A drive sponsored by Sex- tant. honorary - fraternity for rn- -bers of the naval R.O.T.C., brought .,- baske~,ts of food. and cash do- ing upon thxe petition. President Fred W. Sargent an- nounces that the plans contemplate that each train is tô be made Up' of a, tap room - lounge car, four coaches, one diner, three. parlor cars and one. observation - club car. The estimated- cost of the Diesel power equipment is $IÉ20,000; of the passenger. carrying equipment for the twvo trains $1,600,000,' which makes the total estimated cost $2,. 320,000. The Dieselpower, equipment for each train is to cons ist of, a double unit, with'double end control and he capable of generatingA,4000 horse- power and of attaining a maximum speed of 120 miles per hour. Operating plans, as outli.ned in the petition, provide for inauguration of the new, trains early next summer.1 They are to operate between Chi- cagO. and the, Twin, Çites-'S-t;-P-a-u and Minneapolis-. via Milwaukee, under the present schedule of the "1400"-6½, hours to St. Paul and 7 hours to Minneapolis. ýThese new trains- are to incorpor- ate the most modern advances made in. power and passenger carrying equipment. They will be stream- iined in accordance with the latestý discoveries in that field, while in- terior decorations, appointmeflts and color chemes will be of the most Pure Cane Suger In cloth bags .................'10 lbs. 48c OUR BREAKOAST-DATÉD COFFEE 01.'0, . 1 -lb. bagl3c National DeLuxe Coffee vacuum Packed 'Ilb. can or glass jar 25e American Home Coffee 'Dated in Redi and Blua Bags. 1-4b. bag 18de Amnerian Home BEVERAGES Sparkling Water, Ginger. Aie. Lime Rickey and Others 424 ozc bottIes <Plus bottiedeposit) Salerno Pure ItG DADCS MIXED NUTS lb. > bulk & Wolnjufs--Diamond Large Budded lb. bulk 25C Naiitial tight FRUIT'CAKE* ~ 1ecake cae .5 î.bulk 1 O Fruit ýCoke-Dark-1-1b. cake 25c Holiday$ Finest-Fresh Fruits and Ve getabI.s SWEET POTATOES Tennese.........1Os.23c POTATOIS FancyIdaho 0j3 F'l.ida Dozn lrge ize 23c doen julce O RA N G ES DFoze id umDzn arsize C....3.c. 2d0 z e 25 GRAPEFRU~IT zenrsh Seedless80'6O, GR PFUT764-70 size 25c .............. sz J Cooking - Eating SApples Slbs. 23c Apples....... 3 lbs. 17c- SFancy New Yiork Greenings Extra Fancy Wnesap Peuars ........3bs.17e Cobbage........... lb. 3c SExtra Fancy Beaùty Bosc New Texas Fancy Woshed Michigan Celery ...........2 bunches 1 Se" Christmas banquet and a special re-- citai at which Prof. James L. Lard- Streamliners 110W operated by the lier read Charles Dickens' "Christ- Chi cago & North Western Railway. mas Carol." On Wednesday and The new coaches, diners, parlor Thursday. the University theater cars and loungé cars are to be 82 presented a program including two feet long. Christmas piays, "Babouschka" andý "The. Second Shepherd's Play."' The university recesses (Friday), CRIIS TMAS HYMN and' students leave by bus, train, plane aïnd auto-mobile for homes in every state of the union. Classes An gels at the Savio-ur's birth will be resumed, Tuesday, January Woke with musie ail the earth, -K s -1J'5.-- .-- ELMWOOD FARM-FANCY FRESH DRESSED FINEST NORTHWESTERN TURKEYS .a.. . b. 35c Fancy Fresh Dress.ed moe-heorSakHl Finest Quality ,oe - hlor hakH f DUCKS.............. lb. 23c HAZEL HAMS 25cI Fancy Fatted Northwesterri . uft Haîf. lb. 9 Greshesse....... b 3dr.,..~,n.. ni [sland ........lb23 qmnP r . 1or b nderloif week-endC 's sister a Çarl HE Island