Imagin e being able ýto have your clothes. thoroughly clenedand brougli back tosprkling ,newness 0 and maeasltelympr oofat th d t ,e sae ti*me!.., The amzing oieprocess viabet o exclusiveiy. at our plant - - makes everyfbro woolen materials 100% resistant, to alf moth damage. Lt is odorless,' harml.ess to the f abric - and guaranteed in writing by a well-known insurance company. Monite costs you nothing extra.:-Phone us for Dry Cleaning now. iOfflTIpw# WilmetteWilmette 320-36Qý6I9 20202 Central SteueWne 1 WNo rt n SVb1rban CEeaPlers, 150 DEUniversi2, 0938