shoulci be cnangeci every 10 years. fluring the first 10 the children are small and have. to be housed in close quarters. During the next 10 ..... they are adolescents who want to spread out in rooms ýof. their own. Atýthe end of 20 years the childreén depart, and the. house. needs to be -Guest' of iHonbr streaml1ined, forÉ the old folks. Works With Hapds sir Cedric Hardtvicke, one of. Ià wascurious to hear fromn Mrs. the out standing 'actors of the Miner how. she, rnanaged- al' the mde theater, ill be guest things in her. life, garden, sheils, I ofS honor 'v4speaker at a tea summer .and winter home, farnily, to be given by theý Eng.lish-, and so on. In the first place I dis-> Speaking.Union atthe Arts. Club,, Covered,*t hat she has *always liked Chica go, Tuesday,. December 27, to work with her hands, that she cit 4:30 p.m. worked wïth - metals and j ewelry un- dèer Jeannette Pratt in Chicago be-,! Sr Cedric is making his f irst fore her marriage 'and that 'she for- meiatorsthsar of "Shad- merly collected antiques:Te o0W and Substance," which opens in nection between antiques, rock gar- chcg1ecme 6 dale andlseii mdgb. tra Well-known to motion picture aud- labeled'colecing." ences for stellar raies in, notable Then for the second phase of thisî productions, Sir Cedric is the yoling- ïri~nnifl buine' t4covered Utat estactor tù.have been, knghtec for she does not play bridge and rarely his stage achievernents. participates in social or club life.j Following the success of "Shadow In other words, she knows how to! and Substance" in New York iast gain time .and, how to use it once season, Sir Cedric was awarded the, she has, it. lier 25 years in Glencoe Drama league medal, highest award have-been very busy-afld 1 venture , of the New York theatre. to guess. very happy. Her excur- Samnuel M. Rinaker, of Lake For- sions outside, apart frorn travel and' est, is president of the Eriglish- migrations to Michigan or Florida, ýiSpeaking Union. have been chiefly lecturifilg to clubs' on rock gardens. HOME FROM CARLETON Tt 1 was ob-hious thàt the Miner Miss Jean Ann Moulding, daughter down anywxhee on the surace Ofi l the earth an-d expeet almost at once:C to see a rearraflgemeflt of the mole.- cules and boulders ina more artis- tic or practical fashion.i AT BASKE£TeALL GAMES Mr. andMrs: C. H. White, 325, Sheridan %road, with their daughter, Jea, nd Miss Dorothy Brooker f Evanston, mnotored East last week to Clevelanld and Toledo, to attendý Rn.d. ~hrnt Mr. andi M: and Mrs. J. J3~ Minute '11Uw il u/ find a wealth 6.f exc*iing ideas for ÇChrisimas at MILR URN>S and, at MIL- BURN'SCOLLEGE SHOP., We're Part .icularly proud' of Our quilted rayon. challis-skating J, acket s- at, $5.95 and $6.50 (they came too late to be sketcked) of Our Braemir, sweaters that just cleared tMe customs,: of an ex- quisite floral. print hanky tizat selis for only 25 -cents) and of a bonnet and mitt setin printed'quilted, cotton tizat seils at $1.95 for Mhe. set. We should menition too Mhat oui- selection of sweaters, ski rt s and wvinter sports accessor es wiie' ntot nearly as complete as ii was even a wveek ago, is stili one ol! the best on Mhe North Shore. Exciting Values lu Feltman & Cunq> F.C. Zahn.