607 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Famed Cornetist Staff Photo Fred Glover, 95. Linden ave- nue,ý Glencoe, famous corneti St s ince childh ood, still finds his greatest enjoyment in solo wvork on-his favorite instrument. This picture was taken at his home this tveek as he tayed o'ne of his favorite selections, "The Holy Cit y." Mrs. G lover is at the pianzo. .Mr. Glover in his native Brose- ley, S iropshire, Englanci, learned to play a flute when only fou.r years of age. Very soont there- after he took up the cornet, and when 18 years old, joined the f a m o u s Colbrookdale band, a musical organization which was founded early in the eighteei±h or QvMT 1r~Q~ istmas Music Nextý I Unitedi .States in 1.914. During most of that tinme he wast cornet soloist, and as. such, sounded. the last post at. the memorial service for the late Queen Victoria. He also sounded the Royal Proclamýa- tion cali for King Edward VII and ,for bis son. King George V. For .a period of 17 vears he wa.q triimDete Edga.r Nelson. Amnofg the selections 1wuiu *Lne 1I1 tUc eiassoloisi; in announced are «A. Christmas Paean"- Oermany, HolIand, ]Russia, France, by Candlyfl, "Sonig of thé Angels", Sweden, England and America, anà (17th century), "Hark, What Mean. as a conductor of the Minneapolis these Holy.Voices" by Heinrich and Symphony Orchestra and ýthe Chi- di", HoIy Night" by Adam. This cago Philharmonie Orchestra.' WALK-wOVE]R 1634 Orrington Evanston OPEN EVENINGS, UNTIL CHRISTMAS