Sponsor Cay New Year's'Eve Dance The arinual New Year's eve dancing party of' the"Woman's, Club. of Wilmette will be given àt the clubhouse December 3 1, from 9 until,2.,,o'cock. The iclub's, Number One party- giver, enthusiastic, gay, sociable~ Mrs. Howard Ringbolm, chairinan of the ways and means commyittee,. wll be. in charge of thé party Which promn.ises to be the most beautifu l, most' exciting, and the merriest New Year's eve party ever giveni at the clubhouse. There will be an eightt-piece or- chestra. Those who will, may learn the Lambeth Walk under the direc- tion of *Mrs. T. M. Woolson who will help direct the party and wind and unwind thé inrticate figures of the grand marcb and other num- bers. The favors, Mrs. Ringbolin tells us, are "adorable" - unusual and attractive programs, hats, blowouts, horns, and the lilce, so that every- one wifl be well equipped te, give a hearty, noisy welcome to the New Year. Huge balloons that bold together Miss Jeanne Bailey, daugh ter of Mrs. James M. Lounsbery, 427 Greeneaf avenue, Wilmette, has just returned to her. home for her Christmas vaeation from Hollins college in Virginia. Her mot her is giving a teta in honor .Saturday afternoon, cernber 31. her De- Chid-noff Photo Members of Sunset Ridge Coun- try club and their guests are anti- cipatinig the celebration of the end of an old year and the beginning. of a new, one .with a' dinner dance at the clubhouse on Sunset Ridge iroad west of Wi,.nnetka'Saturday evening, December 31. Advance reservations indicate the affair will be well attended. Special' arrangements 'are being made for music, entertainment, anid favors. The. committeein 'charge of!.the, party, is cornposed of John Liston Nau, chairman; Mr s. Phillip N. Séa, co-chairmhari; Mrs. G. H. Hairtnett, Mrs. K. L. Jopke, Mrs; A- > W. Meyer, 1arold H. Spink. and J. A.,,William- son. Guesifs of Honor. Mrs. Edward T. Statier o! Mont- clair, N-.,J., is spending the holi- day season with ber sister, Mrs. For- rest C. Snow--7-27 Ashland avenue', and Mr. Statier will join ber Christ- mas week-end for a few days. Christmas eve, M'Nr. and Mrs. Snow are entertainhl3g at an open bouse in their honor. Coïming to spend Christmas day is still another sis- ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Otte of the Sou-th Shore and their son, Mitty. Plans CeIebration at New Year's Time New, Year 's eve and New Year's day are selected by the Kenilworth. club, as -bright spots on its social calendar. Saturday- evening, December 31, dinner at 10 wilL be followed by danciing from 10,until 3-, to the strains of' Corrwy Lynn 's orchestra. On the committee for. the event aeMrs. Tbompson M. -Wakeley, Mrs, Walter H. Andersen, Mrs. UoRb-; ert P Warren, and' Mrs. Mark Davids. Miss Virginia Little of Ken-. ilwortb is in> charge of reservations. Early reservations are urged, as the clbscapacity is'limited,,and can- cellations o! reservation's cannot- be accepted later than Friday', Decem- ber 30, the committee announces. Open house and a tea dance wil be the enter tainment 7providèd for January 1, fromA.4until 7. Mel Wol- lin and bis New Yorkers will provide tbe ýmusic for an event for which the club wîll be open to ail members, their families, and guests. Mrs. R., Ward Starrett, Mrs. Allan T. Gilbert, and Mrs. Herbert B. Taylor form the cornmittee in charge. Hosts and hostesses are to be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bulley, Mr. and Mrs, F~.rnk A. (eould. MT~Ir.. and Mrs. as the old year slowly passes out. The niidnigbt supper will be in charge o! Mrs. 'Carl~ J. Nylund, whose name on a committe e'is al- ways an assurance that the best and moat plentiful of homnemade loods will be served. Mrs. Ring- holm's general committee is divid- *ed as follows: Tickets-Mrs. Paul K. Robertson and Mrs. Robert Mc- Clure. Food-Mrs. Charles 0. Main Red Letter DaAkely, daughtetrs of' Mr. adMs y N. S. Akely, 615 Lake avenue, are. entertaining at a tea and at home on at Shawnee Club* NeW Year's day. The new year will receive riotous welcome at Shawnee Country club on Saturday,> December 31, amidst', "sucb feasting and - merry-rnaking a s bas seldom been seen within the_ ivy-colored portais o! the club- Hoélidoy Bride and Mrs. Henry Taylor, 'Jr., 'Mr.* and> Mr.Thompson M. Wakeley, and Mr. and Mrs. George A. Yates. T.B.Ro berfson, Jr,. to Wed Indiana Girl MVr. and Mrs. J. J. Watson Ind., ormer.Iyi Wilmrette. nto Delta ma& eve. son of Terre Haute, Iproducts company of! Chicago. ing will be Chis- The couple will make their b.ore. Duncan-Erber Stuclio 'at '640 Wrightwood avenue, Chicago. WILMETTE.,LIFF,