grandrnother, -_Mrs. M a r y Good- enough, arrived frorn Denver to be with her daughter and family for the holidays and to visit them for about a month.- Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds just recently. returned .firom a .trip south. They stopped in Hot -Springs, Ark., and then Went on to New Or- leans where. they visited the famous Evangeline country of the Acadians, one of thé scenes of, Longfellow's Mary Rlose Brennan, vice- Mrs. Patrick Crowley, bath of Chicago. well- known, narrative ýpoem. Pre.- výiousiy Mr.. ànd. Mrs. Reynolds had seen, the. Evangeli ne country around Hialifax, Nova Scotia. be awise Sa.nta ,Claus! give lier... S IL 5ItOCKINOS Evanston heel. Inc Evanston EDGAR A.,STEVE EDGAR A. STEVENS, mnc. Evanston Store open every evening unltil Christma A Cladden her heart with ClU Si ppe rs here are three from an excellent' selection at 1 nc.' $2, 50