Martin Beinlch-14orthbrooI( 1030 Suriset Ridge Rdc. Glencoe 1016 15LTN32-4tp CHRISTMAS TREES Dry fireplace wood-maple, birch, and oak legs. Coke, $11.50 ton in 3 -ton loads. 111. stoker coal.$ ton iii laad-lots. E. G. Haglund, 849 1 St. .Wlnn. 21.03 15LTN32-2tp * Hardwood for firepiaces Oak seasoned one year. 64 cu., ft. to a ton S$9 delivered. Black sili and cow ma- nure. Ph. Wil. 452.. Gust Anderson 15LTrN20-tf STORM sAsH-WETHER,.TRIPT- Spec. attn. ta osteel sasb apgs,,- In- expensive-practical. Order nawý. Wether-. stript Stornm Sa h Co. 2502 Gllead Ave. Ph..ZVon 13w. ian. 15LTN30-4tp FURNITURE SPRAYING Alqo wlcker furniture & refrfizerators. *We use laccjur-Wininetka 3185. Pedersen's Household Rep. Service. 30 Hazel Ave. Glencoe 1020 Winn. 2915 Househald ancd Appliànce Repairs -We'll tix it"-Priv. Chauff eur Service. 15LT24tp 15-A OPTOMETRIsTs OPTOMETRIST 35 yrs. experience. Eyes fitted properly. Broken ler'spe refflaced. frnme repaired. JOSEPH F. KUSS 8 Eur St. Winnetka 36S71 15A-L'1'N35-tf c ai BUILDING AND NEPAIR FLAGSTONES- Why permit shabby rooms wheni new bea*uty for them may be obtained at surpris- ingly low cost? The answers to these needs will be found, in our SERVICE columnsl,. which comprise the adver-, tising of reliable, skilled workers. A LWAYS REFER TO0 THIS PAGE FOR SERVICE 35I-A CHRISTMAS RES10ATOYS COME A ND'SÉEE OýUR' FIN E S ELEC- LIONEL STANDARD GAUGE STEAM- tion 'of beautiful Christmas. trees, in- TYPeE LOCOMOTIVE., ALSO PASS. cluding about 1,000 -Balsams.We delier ENGINE AND, 3-CAR TRAIN. SIGNALS, 963Veron ve.Cai Glnc > 21verSWITCHIES, TUNNEL. WINN. 3M80. 25A-L!1N31-etp 1ALN3t XMSTREES I hild's. Electrie Stove Wholesale and retail. At office of.Witzie- Original price. $15. Good as new. ben Realty, Co. 632 Green Bay road. 1 $6. including 'utensi1s . Wil. 2315 Kenil. ,Joe.Wagner.. - 25A.LTN33dltp, OA-LTN33-ltp 3'Î1 DRESSMAKING MME EMERY, D1IESSMAKING ,Brown BEa4gý, Suite49, .9~M 3t Ave. Gowns, coats, suits. Coats relined $3.50. Remod. cutting & fit. Wilrnette 927-J. 31LTN314tp DRESS DESIGNING - DRESSMAICING Remodeling, relining coats, drapes, curtains, at moderate prices, at your- home or mine, Phone Wnnetka 1066. 31LTN30-4tp 39 HOME MADE FOOD PRODUCTS GIRL'S BICYCLE (LADY'S SIZE), EXCELLENT CONDITION, $12. REGULATION PING PONG TABLE RACTIALLY NEW WINN&T-KA3421, 10.A-LTN-33 ltp, DOLL. HOUSE ELEC. .i29nHTED, COMPLETELY furn. Cost $70, seIl for $10. Girls rac- ing skates. size 6, $2. Winnetka 513-W. - 1OA-LTN33-ltp $125 AMERICAN FLYER WIDE GAUGE train. "Buddy L"ý steam shovel and truk. Erector set. Ail in excellent con- dition. Wil. 4693. 1QA-L33-ltp CHRISTMAS BARGAINS Benson Ave., Evanston. aý9LÂNs-tp FOR SALE OR EXOHANCE s tudent's violrn, two violas. From in- strument collection. Phone Kenilwovrth 23i2. .59LTN33ltP 73-A WIG MCIt CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Singer., White, Wilcax & ýGibbs. portables & cýonsoles. As 10w as $23).50. 5 year guarantee. 1114. Davis St.. University 5S2. .,73ALTN314tp 80ý WEAING APPAREI.___ TWO GEN. ]EAST MINK COATS TAKENýI in trade price $100 and $200., Alsa 8 other lur coats, ail styles and ail sizes,. slighily used $10 ta $40., Miller Fur Co., 166 Nor. Michigan Ave. Chicago.. Open every evening tîll 9 p.m. 8OLTN32-3te MAN'S RACCOON COAT FOR SALE. Size 40. Good, condition. $35. Girls muskra coat like new, size 16, '$25. Phone Glencoe FOR. SALE: RACCOON COAT. SIZE 16. Excellent condition. Bargain. $30. Phone Winnetka 1165. 8OL33-ltp 80-'A WANTED TO BUY-CL.OTHING Martin's Clothing Store WILL BUY MEN'S USED SUITS shoes, overçoats; also fur coats. Best Prices. Prompt service. 742 Custer, Evanston University 2220 80A.LTN52,-5tC J 'JibbrlJ IXl4iii- CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR SWeializlng - Waterproofing Basements 1714 Washington ave. Wlmptte 2618 21LTN33-4tp CARPENTE1R WORK Storm sash Installed. Repair roofs, doors, windows. porches. enr. doors, etc. Base- ments, attics remodeled. NORMAN HALVERSON WINN. 4086 21L33-ltp HAVE YOUR stered. '*R Blind. Phone RING AND REPAIRS typewriter, bos _____ ____ __-- Iowl, Winnetka 25 )LSTRING GREEN REED RNITURE REUPHOL- Kroll make. $5. nable Drice. Eugene nette 3219. 7L3-t -FURNITURE RE- T STOOLS AND OTTO- SEE LORIN( ) ORDER. BERNARD 1 r . CLUBS, STILTS, DOLL d doîl house, childs , electric stove,. fish 511.. IOAL33-ltp DOLL CARRIAGE. 5. Caîl Wilmette 229. 1OA-LTN33-itp 5 AND CATS .S XMAS PUPS BLK. NO. IRVXNG PK. . Highly Recommend- lis cockrs, springers. Consumners Credit Corp- 845 'Chicago Ave. Gre. 82= Opp. Main St. -L" Station, Evanston S85LTN9-tfc 81 REAý. ESTATE LOANS FEDERAL HOME LOANS. LOAN<S ON NORTH SHORE HOMES B3orrow Up ta 60% of value. Convenient mnonthly repayment plan over 5 ta 1b years. Deal wîth a local institution. Full details by inquiry at U':33 *KNITTINQ $l395 fiàh. FOR SALE - NEW IÇNTTED PURSES. MAÇ.. Hand made quilts. Needie point stool 8832. and pieces for stoos and chairs ta order. -33te Longbeach 5109. 33LTN33-ltp PA] CAiLý 25L33-ltp i-ffl