lars.. Phone lise. fr rappt.L Wuml. -99 or owner. Mon. 1839.: 147LT33-ip TO ALL 0OF OUR FRIENDS A MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR SMART & GOLEE, IN .C. 1564 SHERMAN AVE.- w 2486 There's Many a Merry Xmas ~-AND IMA-Y A HdAPPY IDAY FOR EVY. ery member of your family in this English brick home in forth Glencoe. Iocated on a large wooded lot,. cer- pletely fenceti. 5 large bedrooms, 4 baths, hot water oil heat, 2 car attach. * garage. This home. was buit in 1930- * at a far greater cost than the $25,006 price now, asked. Sec this and other North Shore property in our PHOTO TOUR of HOMES, 140IR. B. WHITAKER 10Greeni Bay road. Winnetka Winn. 3250.. Rogers Park-ý3M., old red Royal Worcester china. sell for $85. Ph. Glencôe 792. 171LO 8-PIECE WALNUT DINING ROOM in good condition. $30. Phone. Wil 2467. l71LTNI' 172: WTrD. Tb BUY-H4SEHL. . aQ CASH FOR YOUR USED FURNIT fmodemn or antique, and other h hold articles. Will also accept, your furnture con-ignment basis.' CROST FURNITURE STORE Established 1898, 1004-6, Emersonl St., Evanston. Uni. 172LTN: HOUSEHOLD GOODS 0F ALL K< tOUGH-T--SOLD AND EXCHAN( Felles-M36 Custer Avenue UNýIVERSITY 0103 172LTN 173 rOR SALE-MISCELLANEOU RARE DIAMOND 9ýr T. PERWECT DIAMOND. quise shape,. exquisite canary set, in platinurn hand made mou with small. diamonds. Must sacrifi settie estate at $5000. Original1y many tirnes this price. Fully gu teed. Dealers învited. Write A-245. 60, Wilmette, Iii. 173LTN' BEAUTIFUL R C A VICTOR VICTI originally $320,, now $35. In exc condition. Box springs and mat both $5. Bridge lamp, $8. Stylish .ning dresses $2.50, sizes 14-16. GI 1341. .173L'3. Ling arou-d-t...en- schooi and the daughter of Mr. andi in rnth erc- Mrs. J. C. Nichols, 1527 S. Sheridan -tret Faelds too road, Eighland Park; Miss J an e DARK his"jplace in the Law, a sophomore in high school, WiU l.tiktwao n and daughter of Mrs. Robert Law, - ~ officially opened 323 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, E SEth e picture 'by a day student at Ferry H1all.. Imette . elling. tickets .,to t33.ltpthe -w a i t i ngCIITA ISIT DSthrong. Mr. and Mrs. James Edrnonds and CUE Listed as one of Universal's top daughter, Mary Kathryn,, are corning house- offerings for the 1938-39 season, "ýYàufrom rdei N . t pedChit Can't Cheat an H1onest Man"~ brings. Mas with Mr. Edrnonds' parents, Mr. on Fields, Edgar Bergen and Charlie and, Mrs. William. Edmonds, 1935 McCarthy together on the screen for Grewo veuWimà e.Ms thi ls i.Tre frtliecn- Norman Djalyý, the former Alice Ed- L -189 dians, Edward Brophy,1 Fra nk J enks mnonds, ieft Friday with her. two -c.and Grýady utn r ntespot children'to make. her home in Pitts- IrNDS ing cast. Lester Cowan* is produding. burgh, Pa.,. where her husband is ~ED______________located in business. 30-4tp PAST GLORIES HOME FOR HOLIIJAYS * Antonio Mor o.neno, Polly Mrn ai entca University of us Raymnond Hatton and Bryant Wash- Michigan senior, carne home last burn, all stars of silent days, and week-end. from Ann Arbor to spend MAR- eorge Melford, once a top director, his vacation with his parents, Mr. . color all wo.fkedtogether i a scèe ôf land Mrs. M. E. Weinstock of 725 )unting Paramount' s "Ambush," featuring Ch eqtnuit a venue. ice ttJ Gladys Swarthout and Lloyd Nolan. i-____ cotAh were doing bit parts, but 10 VACATIONING uaran- I JheAn 5, box years ago their. salaries would have Miss Jle neMclntosh,, daugh- I33-ltp made a cost of that scene prohibi- ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mlintosh, »ý-1tive except for the biggest "super 121 Woodbine avenue, has arrived cellent 1.~ home for the holidays from Western ttress, college, Oxford, Ohio, whel-e she is, h ece 7E STRING ON D RIVEWAY a freshman. 323-Up Dick Powell has installed a tele-I nhné ,anth, zttp. intqnp f he, ~ STRONG MAN ACTOR zrorn Delightful secm. pch. 3 car gar. Owners might consider renting with an. option to buyl SEARS. REAL ESTATE Exclusive Agents 421 Richmond Road Kenilworth 5288 147LTN33-ltc. MODERN WHITE ÇREO-DIPT SHINGLE full two-story but cottage type. Six rooms, hot water oil, gar., summer house, deep lot, only $9,500,00 terms. FREDERICK A. COOPER POOL TABLE, 3FTx6FT.. STATIONARY, marbie base. Excellent condition. Good for recreation rooim. Price $35. Ardmore 3629, Chicago.17L1T3lt HUME..O.HEET CIRCULATING G A S . heater. No flue needed. Attractive cabi- net. Pilot light. A.Q.A. approved. Ca-. pacity 3500 cubic feet. $20. Wilmette 4103.. 173LTN33-ltp USED TIRES FOR SALE .We have a few--6.00x16-6.5ox6-7.00x16 -7.00x1 7.No reasonable offer. récfused. REAL ESTATE: LOANS 41/2 NoCommission on Preferred Loans tne, gtoi SHORT GROWS LARGE Eddie Bùzzell, the shortest direc- tor .i Hollywood, is going to raise Great Danes, the largest dogs. Den- nis O'Keefe's mammoth pup, Thor, that Buzzell used li " Hlnoluu," Ws going to b.e the papa. TERRY TO GO HOME 'Completion lof ."A Christmas Car- TO flUY USED hotei, Ro< 174t33-ltp 17L. -t Miss Mary Jacqueline Willis of 1606 Forest avenue is home for the Christmas 'holidays from Kemper hall in Kenosha, Wis., il JL. wili oc hotel, Roo: