At the rnonthly lunciteon meeting LUIll- een his of Wilmette Civic league last Friday, sensatjonal n e w Village Manager A. J. Koenig dis- lllustrated lecture çussed at length the question of what ightest villagers have a right to expect of South Africa." tervillage administration. In th is lecture, In opening bis address, the, speak- ' it is pointed out, er discussed the functions of -govern- South. Africa. is q1eht in general, stressing the fact shown not as a that the development of cities is the Burton Hoýlmesd a r k continent, moôst marvelous: achievemnent of !buit as a modern mnan, bringing as it does large num- and progressive land. However,. bers of.people.iflto close contact and there are also "shots" :of wild ani- under a uniform governmnent, where mals,, the glories of the two Rho- they can live ýtogether happily and desias and' Victoria, the worldi.' healthfullyL Ahl governments aim to grandest waterfalls. effect such an organîzation, and to :*AIl pro 1grams of the Sunday Eve- performn those services for society at nn lbaehl ntéadtru large that are impossible if atternPt- of NeWTirHg eol Admis- od individually. sion is free unless otherwise speci- Strictly Dernocr.atiC fied. là 1r. Koenig then went into a'de- 1 taïled explanation of the organization 1 of the Wlmette village governmeflt, cears otutteflts émphjasiz11g the point that it. la sýtrictly democratiC in that it is def-1 Raise"o'$1,263 in initely iesponsible to the people for! the proper performance of its func- S t ions, and responsiveto the express- Sles of rea is ed needs of the public as a whole. A total of $1,263.30 \a raised from H-e also pointed out the inmportance the sale of 'Christmas seals by the ojf cooperation, which makes for, children of the Joseph Sears school godgovernmfent. He commerided in Kenilworth,, it was announced this. various departments of the village week at the office of Superintendent governrflert for the exercise of this Elmer L. Nygaard., sffirit. Roger Anderson of the sixth grade ±i--,; ï 1,ri7n unnwhat tax- I .,,, t.i- 1eAé wa Siresses Econony, EfficienCY Other children of the flfth to eighth Cooperation betweefl various dle- grades selling more tiian 1,000 of the p)artmnts of the local goverirnment' penny seals and thereby~ gaining and between the village .governnent honorable mention were: and al ,other units of goverrnment. Catherine Schreiber, Willoughby Good-- 'An 'aéqute rogam f srvies.smlth, Marilou Heiser, Loi-,Ifawley,, An deqat prgra o seylcs.John Crowell, Mary. Crowell. John definitely laid out and continuouslY., Holmes. RollandI .Heiser, Eleanor Felt- ithn te ailty f tX-man, Richard Kilner, Dorothei Knud- performned, witi h biiYo a- sen, Mary Alice'Austin, flobby Ellis,. Jer- payers to pay withQut being over- ry Ketcham, Jaul Schulze III, Gwain burdened with taxes. Williams, Barbara Welshaar, Marian Petrse GlriaGiddes, Laura Alice An ecoriomical and efficient ad- DeX, Alaxi Claar, John Darley, Karen ministration, conducted on strict Williams, Ai"' Cody, Leonard Gilliert, ,îm4rit 'u W te BillyHermneia Mona Kinfley, Blair But- App'inted Cler Hoit king, -71î,?Forest avenue, WilMette,. school treasurer, of New Trier Tovnshp. has hbé,en appointed clerk of the federal districtcourt, t was announced Mondatj by Ju due James 1U. Wilersn.Mr. King is to be sworn'in on Januamj 2. Mr. King, who is 68 years old, is a graduate of Indiana university law schoel. He haserva4 a secretary of the Municipal Voters' league and the Legisiative Voters' league. Children Guests at Rotary Yule Party Children of the members, as well as the Girl. Scout troop sponsored by the club, were guests of the Wilmette Rotary club at the organization's an- nual Ch ristmas party Wednesday tais UL i me jpat. Much of the entertainmeflt was supplied by the little guests, supple-1 menting the singing pf carols and entertaiximent arraflg by the com- miittee. There were 150 i attend- ance. On Wednesday, December 28, the Rotary club wiil formally induct sev- eral new members. nonorecu oy th e Village b o a r d at its meeting Trues- day night, when -a resolution of ap- preciation of t h e high service he- baàs rendered was' presented. and u nanimously adopted. A large. numnber of friends çager t do honor te so Harry MiRer efficient a. Public. 'servantwitnessed the. passage of the resolution and thé simple cerèmony. of presenting it tol Mr. Miller. These included represen. tatives of many civic organizations who had been invited by the board. "Harry" Is Mystilfed A reqt , t? thebadfr -lts presence at the meeting had mysti- fied Mr. Miller, who has kept so close a grasp of the affaire of hie office that he could imagine no rea- son for his being there. It was not until the resolution was offered that [hé became aware of "what was in the wind." The texi of the resolution is as »follows: 1 WHFEREAS, Harrv W. Miller, Village WHEREAS, ýhi.s service during: the quarter century périod lias ever been con9picuously marked by lits unselfish devotion to duty and unfaiflng consider- ation for-,the interest .and well.belng of lits fellow. maxi; and ýWHEREAS, hits sterling character and integrity in office- have won for him (Conitinued on Page 9) Invite Villa gers rec t ways le1tneir o their wants. That is-' tutes a real dernOCratiC. -.- 1 ooara in èîllj[lt:.%.Itlvll