sectionale were champions Ii' their coilege tonferencès. Ohio State won the Big Ten, titie with a'record of ten victories and two defeats in one of the rnost' thiling finishes in conference history. Tickets for the game are now on sale at the Northwestern unlversity ticket office, 619 Clark street. Ev- anston. Ail seats are reserved. Play OId-tlmer Game Fans attending the tille contest Ili have an opportunity to observe the developnment of the gatne froni Its inception in 1891 to thel pjresent day. As a curtain raiser tm the championship game, two teamns of When first organized there wel nine players on a team and pea( baskets served as goals. Attendan were stationed at each basket knock the bail out after a goal h.- been scored. Tt wasn't until lati that the bottonis were removi from the baskets to permit the be to fall to the floor. The first ba LARGE 64, ;R"PEFRU. ..iiE FR14C IDAHO 1-B POTATOMSe,8 ................29C SUNNYFIELD ÎHSOE*a BUTTER ......... IN QUARTERS, LB. SILVERBROQIC ROLL BUTTER.......... 2 bs.5 SUJLANA ANN PAGE PZANUT BUTTER -SALAD DRESSINO J21c AR27c at SanDi cogan was defender of the Eastern section of rn ziuzversity. the country and particularly the Big Ten. The Buckeyes are strictly an offensive-miflded team as the re- Wimette Scouts Win suits of its two games, in the sec tional tournament prove. In the first From Highland Park game, the Scariet and Gray defeat- ed Lake Forest, 6440 5, andeim nTw - ro pRa inated Villanova i tefinals 5 n w -ro al DEL AIZ NIBLETS............. CANlO00 SULTANA IONA RED KIDMET or LIMA BEANS 4 CANS 190 .......,........7.OZCAN3I3I