BIOOiM Photo LeGuedre Photo On Monday evening, Match 27, 8:15, o'clock, Dr. A. L. Sachar (left), nationallu, known speaker ard author, and Rabbi Charles E. Shulman (rïght), spiritual leader of the North Shore Congre gat ion Israel, lotit be the speakers at a large open meeting planned to inaugurate the B>nal B'rith communitt lodge on the North Shore. T'his will be purely a cul- tural iniin tA nhich the ,'owunit svtjL e. T'nh tw .,ub,.,1* bGEORGE RUCTOR * They tell me this column la read by 1dx 0lDah wornen weekly. That would b. appalUng tg any mn, were it not so stlmulatlng. Since It la, 1 amn mlnded to ahare wlth you my <choicest reelpe, seasoned with age and spiced with pleasant raem-; ories, as well as te creat. new recipes wsrtb of, _ou attention, rny reputation and th e emt The B'nai unded ini t M-Sport Carnival, Will lfo Offer Glimpses of ý-l New Trier Pro gram on. its a clear conception of >ewish nîutor and culture, but bas also been instru- mental in enlarging the scopè of curricula in many centers of leain- t M/w in Dec] by the get a niblers csee- basket- lisplay- i-some the i-