$I5; $3 nd $35- button siàgle breaiàted and double. breasted drape mQdels. Rough weave "tweeds," chev- iots, and cassimeres. 32-35.. TOPCOATS-10 «"Bal" style in plain camel color or in fancv tweeds.. 'verv effnvt 2-Longie Cadet S UiJT S.-. . $16.95 Single or dou ble breasted. Sizes Il to 16. $16.95 and $20. 2-Knicker SUITS.a .f I One -of oir fiO'st popular ànumboms Fuil length coat fitted with detacli- able Pique collai,. Skfrt to match. (IlluftTated right) 3-Pc. SUITS4 f.$ 179" Iý Two.Tone SWEATERS For ittl#. Glurs CAMELAM COAT' NAVY COATI For Little Bofy 'I