Juat in! 1939 Admirai BiC'yCLES New Feaurea.. New Color CombE nations Fully equlpped bicycles made expresuty fer Wlebotdt's by Arnold gcbwInu. Assurlng you qualty and durabililty. Check tiiese values:' $15 vaI c $2.M Ten.Kg ,h pan Feal'ured Ifem Doub3g9- SAUCEL PAN S1 clofr Percolotr $2.50-.--Cup 'DripoIator Sa'.c'.3pecSe GOOD. Electrlc tlght, etectrlc horm, stresim- lined tank, chaa #guard. BETTER. »ias au the features above bike bits PLUS built-In cyctelock, braced tuindle, bar, luggage carrier, chrome rits. . 8P1eerles$ 9 5 tires. BEST A'l Aite above features ' PLUS knee action, sprlng iork, eleo$x'lc taitl ight, de luxe saddle, black and white U. S. Royal Master tires. chrome chala guard, jïollslied alumlnum 84 -:9 headlght. Other Modela Prom $19.95 SmaIl Amoumt Down - Bane Easy Terms 2-Pc. Matching Sets, Reg.$1 *Handsome tweed check canvas set that coushats of a 21-iuch imultl-hauger mtdoecaead inch or 21-inch over niglat case. Wel made and c.unstructed. BOTU FOR 195' 2-Piece Set! Regular $11 Value! I Matchiug L-RuggageI - n--g I Weatherproof1 strPedcanvas wlth bouud edges, rayoni lin- lgand pocketg, fine tecks 'and handles-.truty the, blggest Iuggge value ou the North Shoure.I EASTIER Pl WIUBOLDT'SO'CEDAR WEEK H 32 STREET- Par comp.~ heet.s, I. . $1.79