the troop is Lloyd Moon. Second place was won by Trroop 18'o! Winnetka.,With the following boys: 'Dix England, Bill Henoch, Don, Mguire. Phil Bucher, Martin Anderson. Bill Kurtz is the Scout- master of this troop. Troop 1 of' Wilmhette, with, the fol- lowing -Scouts,. was in third place: Edward Osborne,, Oliver Peifer, Judson Bauer, Don, Davidson. The Scotmnaster is.]Paul Gathercoal. Fourth' Place went to Team A, Troop .324,' of!*Highland Park. The, Scouts of the teamn are: Frank Krohn, Don Burnha.m-, Dave Sloan,ý David, Worth, Ray Danner. The Scoutmaster is Dr'. Baker Hamilton- Blitfer fie n 13, Iroop )P 19 of W.-* SAid rneet perfect score, but thé team repre- senting Troop 37 secured a total of 439 points out o! a possible .439. Troop 18 had 399 points; Troop 'i1of Wilmette, 389 points;~ and A team, Tr oop 324, Highlanid Park, 380 points: Father F IRST time we saw the blueprints ýfor this Buick thirty-niner we knew we had soniething pretty special for folks who like action in, their to build such a traveler-rich in reliable Buick deiqjered a tFinat, Mich. *s4/gd ct Iochange with- .wwdtce. 7Transportation, state and local taxes (if *ing home Saturday from Bos - ton, where she is attending Simmons college. Miss Pollock will be home a.week for her spring vacation., 1601 Sheridan Road Lte.