fore seems important for, me to m-n ..orm my.readers of the less spec- taculur but just- as vital' ativities of, the general assembly.ý Perhaps 1 can, best picture those activitieg tby, using the dlary form of: reporting the two d ays whlch I- spent in Spring-. field, two days which other members couid dupliçate with minor changes mcommittee assignments and in- terests. Although some of my com- ments miay be rather personal i, nature they are necessaryi a true. picture of!'«My Days". (with noepo logies.'to Mrs. Roosevet).- Tuesday, March 14 A.M. 9:00-Arrive at desk-page brings ini mail consistina o!about 75 letters, motor venîcles, city manager 9: O-Republican 9: 45-Visits on 1E lishers of subi, tion, on bils rel o! legal notices, es etc., lobbyi- ines, represeni in Chicago lHE Interested spéctator-the legisia- tive representative of the Anti- Saloon league. who commented, .Not as. bad as I expected but I'm, àtaying- to the:.end.",. lO:00--12:O-Discussion >o! .legisia- tiori hotel lobby, -Wèdnesday March '15 8:30-Desk. Repeat, Tuesday's mail, etc. Assisted Senator Dixon o! 35th dis- trict'andB3ar association o! White- side county in efforts to place Whiteside county, i l5th district Circuit court. Made mnotion setting9 de! mite date for continuation o! hearing when chairmnan seemeéd. to. favor onnnosition.11& ai -commission of whie' with pub- retary- to plan legislativ a associa- 1: 00-Appropriations cor ublication 2: 00-Education commit ent o! tax- Made effort to save ing mach- for schools in order ti industries be amended to makei ich would pie for small school di ,ve program. munittee Ittee 1 - 48 YoIV Week-Day Dinners, 75c e e e Luncheons,' 50e Pri4ey. Marcis24 Creani of Onion Soup au Gratin Fresh 037 Chilled Tomato .ulce ChIUledVrappe Iced Pineapple Juice, Fruit Cocktail Toppedi f or qepartnent of hln anarui sion of probation officers salaries. Routine business proceecis until- 3 P.M. 12:30-Debate on abolition o! house investigation opens. Lasts until- 5 3:00-Meeting of appropriations'com - mittee. Took active part in con- I. towns have interest. :00-Discovered that znany mem- bers had gone home or were con- templating taking evening trains. A!ter a hasty pack-up boarded train for Chicago. I.l...00Arved home to, hi greeted (LevitUcUs 19:1, 2, ýn-sermnon also Jilnwa I *a-S