Large in Club rlistory; bpeaker Friday to We Ouf standing The St. Patrick's day party giveni- at the Shawnee Country club by -the' waysý and means department of the Worn- an f Catholie 'club was one of the most successful parties ever spongpred by the club. There were morethan two-hundred women prds- entto enjoy a day full o! surprises. Mrs. Walter Berrningham and her committee had arranged a style show an~d a group of songs sung by a baritone.. The day :opened1 wi th a presenta- tion, of colors by a group of - boy scouts.: The entire assemblage rose a nonA were, n, ML w ig,1 Ronar H! . illu man assisting ý Link. R ' of which Mrs. ridge is leader, is enterl husbands 'at. dinner: at th Mr. and Mrs. Gzuthridg<e, wood avenue. Mrs. R. E. Dalstrom,ý Link I, ann .oueces:her. meet with Mrs. J. W. Bc Greenleaf avenue. Link E, Mrs. W. wig, chairman, is beingi by Mrs. Ernest Butow, l avenue, Evanston. She as assistants Mrs.. Stanl Mrs. Joel Dickinson. and ard Heaton. Link -N, Mrs. H. A. Orý has as hostess Mrs. E. H Manor drive. Mrs. R. F. s'el 5i weelc, at is also no F. G., Guth- Christ Cburch Parisb House h~e home of The fIrstý regular meeting' of!the, 917 Green- newly-organized North Shore chap- ter of the. Deiphian, society will 'be, leader ci held a t 10 o'clock, Monday, March 7link will 27, at Christ Church Parish house, ýornhoff, 304 470 Maple street, Winnetka. The second and fourth Monday of each A. Hart- mionth was, decided upon as the reg-: entertained -ular timne of! meeting. 1427 Fowler At the organization meeting on will have. March 14, the following. officers ley Butow,. were elected: Mrs.. Charles. E. Gai- Mrs. Howv- loway, of Hubbard, Woods, presi-, dent;. Mrs. . Raymond K. Lake of 'Ivis, leader, W i 1 m e t te, vice-president; Mrs- I. Kerr, 914 Charles E. Price, Winnetka, secre- Lynch will tary; Mrs. Ernest' Kuhn of Wil- mette, treasurer; Mrs. Rudolph seminar comm'ittee, i trs. John L. Meyer o! Evanston, chairman, and Mrs. Glen E. Hargrave and Mrs. G. E. Kleeburg, also residents of of Women Evanston group meet- "For néarly thirty years" the so- 7, at 9:30 ciety states, "the largest aduit edu- Le chairman cation movement in the country, status, Mrs. the Deiphian society, has anticipat- den avenue. ed many educational trends, flot the is the sub- least of which is the growing ten- u'Flynn. -' . Mr. Cuikin is a lieder note. Hie has appeared Chicago Civie opera, r*m, singer of one li, with the in spi, mvy clubs. for th -t Of ti for c on- 0. of M. Meeting de- o! The Order of Martha, St. Francis MY- household, will hold its next meet- ;ted inig at 1:30 o'clock Monclay, March 'Ùng 27, at the home of Mrs. Charles Eti- .not gelhardt~ 915 Oakwood avenue. cordingly Deiphian is organized for the study of practical developments in present day life anid for the dis- cussion and evaluation of these trends. Theoretical knowledge is no longer of great moment. It must be practical and usable. What ef- fects, have earlier political, social, economie, and cultural movements had upon our present day life? How rs. ~ 82