Those who are planning to go on the al-day,.open tour that the ways and means cômmnittoee*of the Womn- *an' s Cub.of Wilmette is sponsorlng on, Monday, April 3, for the beneftt- of the club's building fund, neednot continue on the afternoofl tour, if they prefer to play cards or rest, Mrs. David Zick, in charge of the tour, announces. Those f thé party çwho so desire *may stay and play Fards at the Le Petit Gourmhet (where the group ia having lunch- eofl) while the others make the tour of the Tribune tower andsee how a newspaper, isn iade. The party wiil start f rom the club- house at 10:30 in the mornlng in meimbiw'f cars. aking ôi f cheese, Three Witmette girls -all fresmien, were recently initiated into Epsilon chapter of Gamma Phi setas ororitu, mrent, ex- at Northivester'i univeraitl. TheV are Doris Watson (left), 418 Isabella street, Jane Ruth (center), 2M0 Thor¶&woÔ4 kitchens, avenue, and Beth 'HndleV, 1035 Lake avenue. The initiation ceremoniea toolc place at a banquet and dance at the working Edgewater Beach lioteL. Miss Hindfrni andi Miss Watson are Ziberal arts stud enta at Northwestern, and Miss Ruth3 ge tanks, - s enrolled in the achool of speech. M arch 28 Wilmette Conclude D. A. R. Presenis 3 rant at the Pier that day may be made with Mrs. Harvey A. Bush or Mrs. Hayes McKinney. Mrs. A. E. Gebert is general chairman of the exhibits of the Wil- mette Garden club at the show ress Schroe receivi friends been wE end the ast of t) medals from the Skokie Valley chap- ter, D.A.R. are Elizabeth Young of Cave -in - Rock High school; Mary Soward of Rosiclare fligh sehool; and Mary Lou Link of Palatine lflgh school. Mrs. J. K. Farley, Jr., chairman sives the me il o,'CIO and son. -FB.M. be sewin asked to cg 62