and protOesslofa appearancez. nBouho' American citizens. Trodiay Eva Sigrld Shapiro conduets miore Fouiidatlon school for tUrl- ery and kindergarten age chldren ln ber horne t 4M8 Ridge avenue. George Shapiro spends three days a week teacbiflg volce and piano in Mis studio at the Fine Arts Building in Chicago and the reat of his time la devoted to his or- chestra activities on behalf of the Litte Philharmonie Orchestra.,0f whicb he la the conduictor. In Mis classes are to. be found qulte a few eâ& horeates. wever, are-sale. Muslcally gitted children agedfilve and. six h ave a, lot of, fun with the belle and, can. the North so metimeS tap- out- simple little tuiis. Mr. this as J sne mignt well bave added, a good le learning many interesting thlngs. farewell to Mis Sigrid's section of Le, let, us proceed toIi a simnilar report on Mr. -Shapirols, activities. When, at home he, works ýii a room adjoinlng the classrooms, happily concentrated on his ruled music scores. The more noise, the better, he- believes. Hie llkes to work on trains, or with a radio turned on. Orchestra Conductr George Shapiro has been back in., the United States since 1925. His work has been divided between private coaching: and the .conduc- ting of orchestras. It lu in the latter that he has made9 hism win-v Rirnn. and ne -al Col- Mfr. and Mrs. Gea the achool, flrst ber own home. ýr and when ie took over and now li 515 Ohauge ,Naine of "se way Lon the playground are aUl sorts of nt, a jungle gym, swing, and the like ne Georg ny past o, the oreflestra sent trlumpbs. 8bapiro au A gaine bas three Each set c nd he 1 mn the ' .ganized La I.ip-,J Schestra 'chestra. li Lon- he be- -Y Wood ikýý Il Usé.