~STORAGE Uni» 9300 Wil. 1332 Winnotka 1332 Glenco. 1332 Highland Park 181 uottcL Y@r)ÀR2â by ormntSPRAY by PRAYING* I 0 TRUMMINGe0 FIIDINO L m ~ural tournament an were serni-Ilnalists. ~'7 I rigle-gou M seMagarite UIIn- ich and to whtch ail children are ln- 1 et o Mv a Lvited wilI mneet ti Foundation hall. PtreteTo ieB h' ecture Sunday morning at il o'elock. infra- On. Sunday afternoon March 26, TePeoeao h enlsa othrs rs.Margarite Ullrich of1 Chicago TePeoeao h enlsa will deliver a talk on the topic "Th'le son, the beginning of the real spring. q 1