~II moi 10CLi DsPIMbo T.or lut < S..»1 m pau-ton$*m wIll best c acei~rimonsii JIn the hlghly fiuc7- -ce.,fu and popu- lar comedy "There's Always A Woman.' 'Ihe xiew com Iedy w il1 be di- : rected by Alexan- der Hall who was Melvyn Douglas responsible for their, firt co-star- ring sueceos. -Ifa n o tfought that because Mic- key's, latest Met-' -4ro-GolIdwyn-May-, er picture, !,Huc-. kleberry Pin n:," was Twain's f'-ý orite stýory, the boy actor should have it. Th e a utograph' is the gif t of Mary Meirose Gardner of San Francisco, said to be one of the ftrst autograph Mickey. Kooney,hunters, She se- cured this Dartidu- CLARÉK GABLE- UUDIOTUS DELIGHTIR NORMA SUEARER RONALD "OPEeTsS RI'CONSTANCE Extra-Sat. Matinee: Jackle Cooper, "SCOUTS TO TUE RtESCUE" I~ IUIU L ?LI! Dl I - iim'u lJïIii u 'iw. 11VANS10NEAST(ICWJJ.L~1I)!! '1L 1 Mlii " IIExtra-Fni., P.7M. JAMBOREEI k A Tyrone Power. FrI1day-Saturday Ring Crosby "PARIS m HONEYMOoN"' Plus Tony Martin, "6UP THE RIVER"' Sat. Mat. Serial Friay-4aturday 66PACIFIC LINER"1 Plus Picture on Oranges If Clark Gable wants to rubber- stanip his oranges with a likeness, of1 himself, he can make a fortunel from them, lie was informeci recent- iv.. T'he Bumpstead family, as per- soniied by/ Arthur Lake, Penny Singleton and Larry Simms in the sereen version of the cele- brated Chick Young comic strip, "Blondie Meets the Boss." It opens Fricday at the Xorshore theater. rtst Offers Lew Ayres Installs Lion Cub Own WeatherBureau *rt has a constant, The film colony's first, amateur luirue Clark Gable Gable. will allow.- emade nîm1 lTer to buy ,rop at a flg- ýar above the :et price, if icture to bell a po acres coupons shoulcl be redeemed on before the final diate. TANCES PASS PORTRAIT Madeleine Carroll, Hollywooc oveliest star, sailing for a vacati Phones : Wllmette or Wianetka 3900 cy Acres et loPree. Parking I DPace 0* in No mm'% I Land - p L o bestra - I.1. to a -TursdayI Mr L 1 - I ..... ..... :::- . 1 à .