JUNK EALE GOL MANton, ana Mrs. George L. Reilly, 30an th 500 block nWs a vealed to mie threeý GISTPCSCenter street, Lake Forest, are grad- lstreet.eTwo sisters of the Domnini- significant sec- forIRET yrpeodclPaprs, ooaur uates of RosarY college and niem- cn rdr wil act as directors of tions of deep dis- ofthe alumnae- association th etimet content w it hinh CALL WIL.: 5426 OR WIL. 401. whivh is sponsoring the lecture. Ic~in1PormGray hs 1ILN44proed fte-lcue l iégro ups are.,the JunkDealr Pil Shumn Prcees ofthelectre ill ive The new settlemnent will start its o-aiGr .fiania ad o las ora ewacivties with a recreational pro- nians, those who WilI buy, furnture, bath tubs, Catholic settemnent to be located in, a o n eprvl g d c ide fQrmerl m of Junk; pay best prices. Wilmette, 744.,of shoo1 age, and adult education ' 174LTN46Itp NOTICE- 0F PUBLIC HEARING' classes 'will be added. later. The c raed t h ae Nazi WEWL U RBOOKS .AS Notice la hereby given that at tentative bouse will be staffed in part ,by vol- disillusioiied, and prvae WIL Braie. YI U, OK.A budget anid appropriation ordanance foruntee wrkers of the alurnnae as-thswoatu- WUmett 3214.New Trier Township in the Caunty of sociation now engaged in social ser- 'Rev. Hiram WeId ly experience the 14T4-t Cook, State of Minois, for the, fiscal vice work. hroso escto, ewoe 1LTItpyear begmnning March 28, 1939 and end- 9rr fpreuto,.:ewoe BABY BED ing Miarch 25 , 4,wuil be on file and' Mlle. Curie is visiting America -for "The German- people do flot, want -Manandwoma's icyces. converuently available -ta public inspec- the secon d timne, and is, the guest wawr. They are çlean and whole-. Ma InNd MAn'4b1cc0. tion at the Township. Office, Wannietka.etitlet WINNETKA. 4108.1'14L llag 3!e Hall. Wmnetkatram and after of the Woman's Board of the Golden sorne.Thyava raineIt- ie is now ormen in -E ýerent countries, r a new book ondui Ito ti MARGARET S. PIEORS k-kets, Chica go. REAL ESTATE $65 Y Vr. Wela was inl London risis of last September. le in long lines waiting masks, sidewalks piled nd bags, and men cig- !s in parks and play- ich scenes made one it will be rnany years progressive' forces of ,xpiate the inistake of British zvnwyIl - uýir pa . Iftnere is war their for Mlle. Curie's 'lecture leaders face the possibility of revo- aie at the box office of «uins at home. hall, and at the offices1"ulDuirang these inonths ini Europe ýsary College Alurnnae as- I have strengthened My conviction 311 N. Michigan* avenue, that the forces of hunian culture Miust triumph over the brutal at- tacIks of barbarism if our civiliza- 1,000Gif ~tion is to continue," he concluded. ,eafrnM feet. along roga. iatelyj l ;t time in H}ouston, a the show tclosed, Wl» be on diSplay here, . two wonderful nlew snaPdragos, 1,also be showni. i me M. 23rd ATTLFT: or *w £AAutte, J.111l01 1Ubuh.d Wr.XaLinMarch 23, 1939