"Sofatas we proýfessional cooks are cQncerncd, LARLD com bines the shortening value, the swee,' wbolesm /Iavor andthe digestibility we require" An ifmpotant featuate of Wilson's new, snodernized Certified Pure LARD As As. no more digestible. Se kemember thi--Wilson's new, modernized Certified Lard fnot only gAves yen tcher, shorter, more tender pastries but the richer, more wiiolesome blvor and eamy, butter-4ike digestibllty that al oIfee in open buik, Ad t cost les thaix amy substitute for pure lard. Sëe youur nearby Wilson dealer or telephone us, for hisn amie. IIMP ORTANT QIJALITIES OF THIS New MODIRNIZSD WILSON9S CIRTIFIED' 2 Ma intained uniform quality 3 Hlgh nutritive value 4 Easily assiniilated 5 Great shortening value