k1 - Bon Bons and Rleg. 2-b Dutls faimous camMes. prced low because we bought a buge, ordçr for Baster. 18 different ids. Made to sell for $1.5. Eosfer Baskets Filed with pure candles and> novelties- wrapedin isbght e<.o-1 9,r !ggs 29e J1une. T ,s groups range from ant andsithgradérs on. Up to high4 achool seniors, and 'tbere la just. as large a rangé of abili y. Coaches Sandvig and Grater of New Trrier would be optimistie about future Grey and Green squads, had they squlnted at some of the amazing talent which Ibis, fan bas- seen, al- ready this year. Meanwhile, at the , high school,' players of the varsity team eagerly awaited the new uniformns, reported to be of a bit« more cdaring shade than erstwile suits, ala the football unis. Which brings Up the fact that the Trev football candidates begari dailyJ football drills Tuesday et this weelç,1 and will continue for a period of about six weeks.. Claudia Eckert Is Nosed Out ini Titie Divin g Meet Claudia Eckert, aqusatie ace of the Shawnee Country club team, was with 30.> 1'Uging the combined, marks for. each school's participants -in the in>- dividual events, eéw Trier took lirst place jri, thehigfi juuo and:the shot Put, second in the pole vrault, third. ,in the broad jum.p,. and fourth in> the 50 yard dash. Shuttie Wys, The. Trevians, also won the high and low hutdies shuttie relays whiéh. Will flot be ýon the programn of the meet nexct Saturday. In the relày division, Newý Trier took first ini theý two mile, event with the, exe-ellent time of 6:29 and alsô won the eight-lap relaýY, which is Just 'short of a mile. The Indian Hlill thinclads scored -'econd in the one-lap relay, and trd in the med- iey relay. TheT'revians will be gunning for their third straight victrry next Sat- urday in a meet in> wtich 30 or 40 other high schools are to be rere- sented. Preliminaries in the indi- vidual events are to be run off ini thé afternoon and the individual fi- nals and. the relaya at night. Wi*Id Up Indoors Saturday's meet will wind up the New Trier inr qi--zn n o n Mvay 19, anld the, Sub-. igue meet ait Evanston' on b * * VJIWCS& 4v- ict one of the most oard contesta of re- * Miss Eckert meets1 montih i the nation-r rd championship int LEADS PROM Miss Lois Kunzelman, dau ghterý of [Ir. and Mrs. Charles F. Kunze1l- ian, 315 Sixteenth street. will léad Mrs. S-. B. Conger, and Julian>, 935 Forest av- e retur>ec from a four ýcation trip on the West to Arizona. and Louiuiana. j I r -and 1 was, $2,U95 4