civil service, hn e acidd eu ~termin my A tuL b>' taking me to a phrenologist in London. "lie pald the usual fée and besides that a speclal fee for an extra consultation. The pliren- ologlst gave the routine examiùnation of my head and was ýabout to walk out of ie roomn when my father rerninded hm of the special exarnination., Ile carne back and caretully feit the bumpi ,on rny head and announcéd that 1. should becorne. a civ il or* electrical engileer."9 Make lb. Sltch With this unùexpectedbacking young Thc>rias. won hMs point imd was switched from the commercial to the science side of hMs sehool, which was one of theý old school$, having been established in 1619. Then he, attended: an engineering. college. on graduating, he intended, to take the exarnination for Patent.4 office examiner. A job in the Patent office was nice and secure. But the governnft iresefltly anouMe4 that thr wqld, be no examination for an indefiniie per- iod, and Thomas, who was teacli- ing by that tirne revised his plans. Hie wrote to the "old students" of Mis college - alumni ' to us - and asked for suggestions about job openings. Through one of these friends le heard that a firrn was about to put on a new man. Hie applied and got the job as assistant to the senior engineer of the firm, which was the largest in the patent of the International tion, chairman oe t National Council on Citizenship, trustée EnJoys Work Wlth Youth lie is a member of the 0f these varlous activities the church school Churches of Christ in 15 undoubtedly closest to Mr. West'S heurt. He «s Education association, takes pride ini discussiflg its work, its personnel, umei of Religious Educa- and its purpo)se. The church school has won wide board of directors of, the recgiinf iswr, and. visitors corne from acation for Character and alparts of the' United States-also from foreign the Chicago Chrl ed- countries. The school is lully graded and depart- mentalized. The high school pupils are under the guidance of a counselor for the, boys.anda counselor for the girls and are enco uraged to choose cer- tain fields of interest .knovrn, as electives for their Suniday school study. Trhese electives offer inter- esting variety,-including this paist year. economics,, cooperatives, peaceý and war, riglit and wrong, the building of an individuaiý Christ- ~» ian philosophy, missions, the study of the books of the Bible, and the rneaning of church. .membership. Mr. West has not forgotten to keep young in spirit, as witfless the fact that lie accomparlies the boys and g1ilson ieigh rids, andplays basebali with them. The higli school group have given hirn the nick- name "Pat," short for Patrick which 'was the namne of a char- acter Mr., West played in a New Year's eve party. Mr. West lias an interesting - method in selecting teachers.. He does not coax. He and his assistant' and the pastor talk over the best people for certain groups of chul- work. Three rnonths passeci, and the man died. Then Thomas was assigned to take on the work per- rnanently. This was quite a step up) for so young a man. Thomnas West was elated. Presently he was mar- ried. Nine monîlis after his mar-, niage the head partner, Lord, Marks, called him in and asked him to open and take charge of the proposed office in Chicago, Illinois, you to become an influence on the growing personalities of thèse chul- dren. We ask you to give yourself to this task compietely for two *months. At the end of that time you are free 10 resign if you do not wish to go on, and we are free to accept your resignation if we see fit." "Seldorn does a teacher leave at the end of two months," Mr. West comments, "for when, one has comrnitted one's self MJly ta wrnfrmn ¶ith tcht1<fren r on