Carlos Photo Robert L. Hughes son of Mwr. and Mra. Walter C. Hughes, 830 Groüe- street, Glencoe,, has re- cently beent engaged in designing the sets and the costumes for the Coach House theatre group which presented, Usfilrst play, 0f the season, TuesdaLç ut Danforth .1o4ge.. th.e Parck A. Valentine est ate in Ocamomowoc~, WIS. The repertoire opened with "Hero Corne Home" by Dorothy Dow Fitz- gerald, and will be followed by five other comedies during the remainder of the summer, the second season for this group of professiorial play- ers, organized last year after the large coach house on the Valentine estate was remodeled into an indoor, funds .to employ needy studenits and, thereby give tbem an opportunity to continue their' education. The re- port showed that 24 students at the school had thus.been flnancially as- sisted. Students, receMvng NYA -aid are. e mployed part-time after sehool hours at, varlous types of necessary work, býeneficial both tô students and te istitutioins. Hligh school stu- dents receiving this aid cari earn a maximum of $6 Per month, while college-. undergraduates -and t hose. doing graduate work,- recellve snme-4 what more. The reportfurther stated that 23?- 799, students in Iflnois, (17,121 high-ý school pupils, and 6,678:college stu- dents) sharedlm the beeefits of 'the National Youth Admninistrationstu- Niattrý, "The" MoffresStore" kUCH'S. SLUMBER'LSI thie sets anda costumes for an "Arabiani Nights" production given in the new outdoor theatre in Horb park, Waukesha, Wis. Mr. Hughes attended the Univer- sity of Chicago, and received bis art education at the Goodman theatre and the Chicago Art institute. Fol- lowing this he went to Hollywood where he staged bis first "Arabian Niglts" production and spent a year and a hait. rýor Juu rurposes CLASSCRAFT MFG. CO. 9-20 Chiçago Ave. Uni. 9634-5 :SEE YOUR NEAREST BUICK DEALER