with crepé paper and raffia wôrlç runnmng à close second. Beits, head bands, bracelets and. even dog leashes' are beingý made by the leather workers, with purses -to 'be introduced this week, also a wood work class with Mr. Satter as in- structor. Picnic day is a joy to al11 - if you doubt it, join us on, Thursday. Friday is our special day. Last week a scavenger hunt was the cause ýof a, great deal. o! excitement and on a very technical point was decîded a tie -by the. Judges, .Mr. Henning and Mrs. Libbin,, after which jwe .aIl linied up on a long bench, over thirty in a row and were treated to candy kisses - one little -girl losing a tooth on her first kiss, addmng to'the funi. We are still happy to receive new members to our enrollment-which has now reacb.4 200.. StJlp Softball Tearms Mr. Davis to Mvr. Henning, instruc- tor at Stolp. Mr. Davis: "Can you get two softball teams to represent Stolp Playground?" Mr. Henning: "I don't see why flot, we have the material." Other instructors: "If you do we'll The standing July 14: lined up. i the last of the fifth to win their Seniors L c There were about one hundred od game by a score of 24-13. W.L.Pt jscn Stolp ....... ........... 4 0 .00 children i the parade with buggies, landieuraft rVillage Green ........... 1 3 .250 or carrylng dolls. Decorated bi- During the past week the chil- Vattman .................i1 3 .250, cycles headed the parade and dren at thé Village Green Play- Junirs ~ broghtup he rar.. Iground have been very busy in the Village Green........ 2Z 2 .500 Enjoy a Real Party IWdodcraft Shop. Boysan Girls Vattman ...............i1 4 .200 ____________The ýparade wound up in the front fromn.6-13 have been Making a knick-, part of te playground. The buggies kaksefo oksef TENNIS TOURNAMENT were wheeled into a circle, the'dol- om of the girls have bee i finish- Reitations are coming in for lies taken out -a d a programn of ing their, raffia and reed, baskets. the Village-wilde,, tennis tourna- ýsmging and introducing the dolîs. to When they are comnpleted they wi1 met hih pesatVatmn ar.each other: carried out., The- parade shellac them. July 29. Prizes will' be given the' lined up and went out to thé back Telttecide hveago- winner and runnerup in the follow-ý part of the playground where. the ous tmecorn.Tyhaeous ing classes:,I realpry heettokpae any different colors. to complete a Men's singles, men's doubles. As a special treat, Mrs.. Kamhermnan had pitue boy'snls 0enssnls n planned a birthday party with aà birthday N ext week will bespent in rnaking. py' inle, mn' snges adcake for the children havîng a birthday htpdhles girl' sigles durng he playground monthsi from June There' wili be senior anrd junior- 19 to August. 12. Those chlldren were "For I Love. a Pa rade!" events, in ail classes. seated.at the, long table which was deco- And Who wouldn't. rated u-ith a pretty paper cloth. Afteri Why? Anyone 16 years of age and over s*ngingHappy Birthday. the 'cake wa1Beaue tI eboy-ad grl.ofth Will be classed as a senior. Théecut and passed. To acconimodate the rest'Bcueteby ad-grso h deadline for entries is July 25. of the children tickets were sold for cook- Village ýGreeni playgroun 'd have hav no set ii yur n- es and ice cream bars to anyone %vishing been enthusiastic paraders for the jIf you hv o. sn nyore-one. tresmes hyhv try. do it now! You rnay secure an~ The real fun of the afternoon began past tresm es hyhv entr blak fom» he ttenantat aftet the eats. An -"Egg4oss'"'ame beingi! saged the n'ost eolorfulgayest and enty benkfrori iTeattndat Ithe funniest one. The audience was con-, interesting parades Wilmette has Vattman park, Washington 'park or vusewith laughter as the raw eggs ersen the Recreation office, 914 Central were passeci out. In couples the children ,esen avenue. lined up 'for the, whistle which nieant,. When the word "parade" *is- men- ______________"go." The partner holding the egg tossed tioned the playground instantly be- it across. to his mate. On the next whistle cornes a beehive of activity. The ADULT SOFTBALL LEAGUE the partners stepped one Pace away from each other anid the egg uas tossed acros girls rush home for their doîl bug- Casa Lomna and Lynamn Sinclair again. As the game progressed, eàch gies and bikçs. the boys rush home coninud. o kepup hei winin jtime the couples stepped farther apart, to secure their bikes, wagons and gettin g a tigep p hter ol on the theggs began to break, First one couplesc ways, getn ihe odo h had to retire in a spray of egg about scoters. They decorate their first place in the league standing, 6o feet apart \vhen two eggs were smash- vehicles with gay contrasting colors Casa. Lomna defeated the Aces in a ed, The winner received a prize .of ice of ceeppr close garne by the score of 7-5. The cream. Her. poer. -y" h sio Her crns Pofey" hesalo Mr. Henning: "Oh, we won; but I, think we were just lucky." Other Instructors: -We agree with Mr. Henning." Four Weeks Later -Mr. Davis: "How long, do you think your luck is going to ýhold out?" Mr; lienning: "We still have four weeks tQ go and haven't lost a game yet, pretty lucky, eh what?" the Lynams burst zortn wîtn 1 counters and added six more in the sixth whi.ch put the game on ice 21- 11. The Hammond Ice Cream team won their first league game by tak- ing the Village ChevÉolet into camp 26-19. Going . into the seventh inning 3 runs behind the Hammond's aid- ed by a few costly Village Chevrolet errors and some timely hitting en- abled tliem. to score 10 runs and of the doils -and their littie mothers which we al hope is very good. Mrs. Fanckboner paid* a visit to see Mr. Gathercoal right after. the Friday party. Hap Gathercoal has been absent from the playgrounds for the last two weeks because of an operation for appen- ricitjs. He is getting. alonfi fine, Mrs. Panckboner reported. but wil be awvay' for another wveek. HIe has surely been mnissed and ive will ail be glad when he can corne back. Win Third Game cle-bound." Wiîere, 0 Where. -have I heard that word "muscle-bound"' before? Oh, now I remember, you ail have heard of the "muscle-bound mani." HIe is an instructor at Vatt-' man Park. When you have timye, stop at the park some day, and he, will demonstrate to you how he can piýll up a fiower by the roots without straining himself. It's mar- velous, just ask for "Buddy"- "Pop-eLve," says he is going to send Stolp pitcher, aliowing only four, the bulletin -boîaý hits. had been m 1adE The Junior boys' teams were flot'hotarode to be outdone by the Seniors, s0 Ilt1by the liti they proceeded to whip the Vattman 1morning -the do ard, mnilk, bottle dolls The third Junior Girls' Kickballý le at the handicraft game 'was played> last week at ýaper doils had. been Vattman park. It was the second tle ones and Friday victc2ry for the Village Green Play- oil buggy decorating ground girls, 'It was a tense game ippy bjoys SGreen, cuar!. ýiappèer* sii/ging vely decorationsý s all make the d. Parades -