ortant assiment as the jemrnine lead i n -ergceanr iM of Utah, she came to'the films bit wai, of the Long Beat . Her latest endeavors were in -CallUng Dr. Kildare." » ~ Jrushing fromn a sound sta ren BLoy" aS music department. * In addition to learning ting LessonS quiring the knack of natu ery, studying dramatie onths ago, affixing his and satisfying Rouben M; Smotion picture contract, one of Hollywood's Mnostn [olden bade farewell to directors,, Holden is 'masi( divergent subjects, music ing.e sxweeks after st'arting Eey evening, wlwft the ie Columbia picturization Boy- company is djsmfisse ýi Boy," hé finds his edu-, day, Holden reports to Mc tbeginning. off,muia director,, for ver worked or Mtudiëd sO esn -nylif,-ie exlaimed, Boe veyNg boy Brwn under the s upe Abe Roth, f*imous refe mon's "Grimi o,"la tsg Ino oflems icn gand