HOME SERVICE BUREAU S8te.! Venetian blinde 4fc sq. ft. Kirsch Traverse & extension rods. Rainme articles repaired. WILI'LTTE 1i265. 15LTNS*4tp *0 au§LOIN* AND CONT R&CTiio MASON. STONE & CEMECNTý Contractor TROMAS MEYER S 1 ol SM« ee, Wilmette 17116 8101Sehiler ve.20LTN4S-tIC 31 UILDIdO4NDREPAIR IROCK GARDN AND' FLAGSTONES. brick. cernent and atone work. Tuck polnlng OudaorIrelDcs. I have a, stckaiiusuaDy large stases Ideal o a Iake or strong retalning waI HUBERT HARTWELL WINN. 2861. 21LTN4-tfe JOSEPH KNEIP C£àgrNT ÂIoe mASOJI CONTRACTOR Specialiing - Waterproolfing Basernelits 114 Washington Ave. Wilmnette 2018 21LTN8-4tp CAR:PENTER & GENERAL REPAIRS; acreen. stairs. railing. rec. rms.. wood &awntog, porches, cabinets. gar. kidt- chens remodeled. A. Luke, WlI. 4691. 21LTN9-4tp) PLASTERING Stucco repaire, refinisht G. A.ThurSbY. Wilm 3381 fl-4tn Any size job. Free Estimates. Refs. QUAL1TY WORK ONLY. Wlmette 4M8 25LTN42-tf p SAVE UP TO V BY HAVING PAINTING AND DECOIR- ating done nowýx. Rm. papered. $4. Ceiling cale., $2 up. Paper cleaneci, 75e, Outside painting with pure white lead and oil. Carry compensation. LOUIS SKOLNIK DAVIS 1513 25LTN11-tp ladly, too, to forestali the attack of time ;-niay we sug- ______________ gest a prompt, beauty treat- ment through the aid of the, skilled, laborlisted, in our SERVIC-columns. Free estimates,' excellent suggestions and moderate prices are Offered by these advertisers. This Page Is Yôzsr. Service Page William j. Bucher & Sons. LANDSCAPIN Phane Winnetka 3612 DONT T -AXE CHANCES. REMOVE THE 1danger. We Ulim and- chop clown trees at reduced prices by insured men. Also landscaping work and material* supplies;, lawns designed and rebufit by- North Shore's most expert gardener. Cali Wil- mette 1187. 52LTN10-4tp ALL BUNDLES INDIIVIDUALLYý washed and perfectly finished by hand. Free pick-up and delivery. Wlnnetka 859. 53LTN11-4tc GO PIANO TUNINO a EXPERT PIANO TUNING 82.50 wth cleaflig AVEnue 6427 20 years' expMaus Go anywhere Steinway SchMnu. Work Guaranteed 6OLTN10-4tp :[s'ewir 607 Dempster St. Uni SINGER, WHITE, O'] foot or electric. Expl Service at $1.00 Sefl-bi yrs. exper. At Milen's mette 3060. anersan Est. ICE Gre. 7177 ILTN38-tf c MAKES, ta. Repair Il DOOS AND CATS BOARD YOUR -DOG AýT -RHEINHOFF, 1kennels, Nes Center, while Vacation- ing. . Individual, rung. finçividual care. Washing, plucking, and elipping'done by experts. Puppies, of ail. breeds for sale. We call for ý and deliver. 11LTÈN11-ltp 12pir PES OARDED GOING AWAY?: BOARD YÔUR PET CANARY WITH uis. Expert care. Reasonably mno. rates. MacDONALD'S PETLAND. 1504 Sher- man Ave. Gre. 8832. 12LTN11-1,tc 44 INSTRUCTION ELEMENTARY SUBJECTS Teacher of 12 years' experience.. Winnetka 1063 44LTN11ltp DACI B CHOOLS RIGHT NOW-YOU MARRIED FOLKS, ESPECIALLY. IS THE IDEAL TIME TO BRUSH UP ON YOUR BALLROOM DANCING. PRIVATE LESSONS BY AP- POINTMENT, ANYTIME. WINN. 3140. Mr. and Mrs. Theron M. Woolson.11 46Lll-ltp 47L.TN 16-UfC. 50 RECàEATrION PLAY SCH1-0O0L FOR CHILDREN. Mornings 9 to 12. College girls. Ref- erences. Wimette 309. 50LTN11-ltp si INSURANCE INSURANCE. ail klnds, Life, AccIdent. Automobile, Fire. Casualty, Liability. -Fuli details bY InquirY at FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS &LOAN ASSOCIATION 0F WLMjETIE Mr.. itn Scetary 1155 Wilmiette Avenue Wilmette 1M.3 81T35tft -FIRST MORTGAGES PUNDs AVAIABLE AT CURtRENT RATES 0F INTEREST. FRlA WIANC- tNG. REFINANCING AND REORdAN- iZATIÎ'ON AIS. PROMPT SERVICE. Joseph- C. Cormack & CoD. 1509 Shermen Ave., Evanston. Uni. MS5 8ë7LTN43-tfec 94 ._siTUùATION6S WANTED-WOMRN DAY WORK. CLEANINfG OR CARE 0f, CHIILDRIEN, BY - EXPERIENCED) WHITE WOMAN. NORTH SHORÈ REF-: Wînnet1ka 32 29' 94L11-tp GOING AWAY? LEAVE YOUR CeNLD¶REN AN*HEP at homne with capable N. S. resident. thoroughly responsible; excellent refer.- ences. Write B 226, Box 60, Wilmette, Mlinois. 94LTN11ltp EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL WISHES to do day work cleaning & Iaundry; also serve luncheons & dinners. Also ',à days by the week. Call Winnetka 3592. 94L11-Itp. NEAT COL. GIRL WISHES GENERAL HOUSEWORK. L O V E S CHIILDREN. GOOD N.S. REF., CALL, BETWEEN 1 AND 5. FLORENCE -YOUNG, WINNET- -w-ishes -employrnme-nt as --re-ce-ptionîst-. cashier' or general office work.' Also. switchboard experience. Phone Miss Ranz - Winnetka 3295. à4LTN11-tp HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WISES-POSI- TION AS MOTHER'S HELPER. NO SUNDAYS. PH. WILMErE 3368. 94LTN11-ltp Tutoring bv the Hour WRITE B.-224, BOX 60 WILME'rrE. ILL. 94LI-ltp ITNflWPRADUTAII.T flNURSE. 1TTII EUGENE DUR900P LO Gftncoe, 1512 Greenleaf, 245 r 25LTN8-4tp 1smi Xl LITITLE M oneyear oic, $25. Glencoe« rery jthis a *Itp 1 Box 0, )f urnu )ortun: B-232, down trees. ONB WANTED-MEN CEMENT.WORK, CON. ýàys, gardening. hse'wk. ing, remove rubbish. Cut xp.,. Winn. 1288. 9SLTN11-ltp r 1 - 1 -tzý rz-tz- - r- - o .ý m ý