Spaclous Brick Bungalow ýMODERN FIVE ROOM BRICK BUNG- alow with sleeping porch .and sun roomn. A.11 exceptionally large, rooms. Oil heat, ,nioe Wooded lot 50x2OO. 2-car garage. Owner moving. east offers a 'splendid buy at $10.500., R.,M. Johnston & Co. Opposite ".L" 'Termùinal, Ph. Wilmnetfe 444 147ILTN11-ltc $1,000 Cash. - $70 a MoTlth ATTRACTIVE HOME SET A-MONG large trees-in.heart of Hubbard Woods. roomn with unusual fireplace, bedron'is, sun roomn and sleeping porch.. Oul heat and large garage. Price Only $8,000 E. SAWYER-SMITH, EXCL. AGENT 725 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 3500 I47LTN11-ltc * OPEN -FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY 1.0 to 6:00. Engllsh country house, stone, ~stucco. and one-haîf timber. On lovely central corner, with high planting for privacy. 9 rooms, 2 tile baths ini pastel shades, radio or book alcove; $22,000., But corne -n and let us show you I 815 Grove St., Glencoe. Or for later appoint- ment 'call MES: FUILLER & WM. PICK- ARD, INC. UNI. 7444 or WINN. 3603. 147LTNl 1-Uce SOUTH! WINNETCA Nr. New Parochial Schl. OWNER WANTS OFFER English type house suitable for large fainily with children in High School and lower schools. 6 bedrms., 3 battis, * large wooded lot. E . SAWYER SMITH 725 Elm St. Wnn. 3500 _____________147LTN1I-lte *HIGULAND P:ARK GEORGIAN COLONIAL, GOOD EAST side location, near grade and higli school. Weli-built brick. 4 bdrms., 2 baths. Beautiful wooded lot. Mr. Piersen. BAIRD, & WARNER, Ine.J Highland Park 1215 2530, KENILWORTH AVE., WILMETTE. Newl. 4 bedroomn brick home, 3%/ baths, .11 $21,000, TEgMÉS For inspection se Pavlik Realty, Kenilworth Phone Kenilworth 20"6 147LTI7-l-tc t Did'.You .Saye "12,000?".ý S. E. WINN4. OWNER JUST LISTED. Substantial, well-planned 7 irm. res. newly redec. Convert,' prchs. Winn. 965. R.H. Schell & Co., 748 Elm *Street- ________________ 147LTN11ltp, CHARMING HOME, LOVELY GROUNDS,: 2 ake 5 drms., 3ý'2 baths, sun & slp. porches, 011 heat, 2 car gar. $18,000. Attractive 7 rm. house, 21'2. baths, oil heat, gar. $12 '500. Carolyn V. Lang, Winnetka 1194. 147LT1411-t OWNER OFFERS 2-STORY STUCCO and shingle. 6 rms.. brkfst. nook, 2 pches., ser. and glazed, H. W. ail lit. mornôdfhile bath, gar.Lot 50x187 Wj k ing distance schools and transpor. Under $11,000. Winnetka 2518. 147LTN11-ltp, OWNER WILL SELL OR RENT THIS' charming 6 room house, music rm., ige. living rm. with firepi., oil lit. Gar. Spacious grounds. Conv. to schlss. Reas. priced. CARL P. RORICK & CO. 82 Ç emple Ct. Winn. 418. 147LTN11-1te 5 RM. HOUSE, LARGE SLP. PORCH! and sun parlor, loads of closet space, oïl heat, 2 car gar. Occupancy any time. A real bargain. Winnetka 269. 1'47LTNl1tli $1,250 to> $1,500 By Owner. P4hre Winnetka 1943. 151LTN11-ltp VACANT, GLENCOE, 100x200 HOGARTH LANE, EAST 0ý F SHERI- Sdan rd. Beautiful suroundings, large trees. Bargain if bought at once. Owner,. Michael. Buhal, Winnetka 2763. __________________151L11-ltp BEATIFLLY LANDSCAPET) WIN. netka lot never before offered for sale. 100x125, near lake, sch"o,. -transporta- tion. Write B-213, Box 60, Wilmette, 111. 15IL11-ltp BARGAIN-ALL OR PART 0F Busi- ness lots. 400 ft. frontage on Green Bay Rd. Wilmette. 175 to 360 ft. dteep. Write B-214, Box 60, Wilmette, Ill. 151L11-ltp CHOICE VACANT LOT OFFERED IN East Wînnetka in fine neighborhood. ý'7.500. Caîl Mrs. Winscott, Wmnnetka 53 FOR UALIE-8UMMflIt COTTAGES BEAUTIFUTL WISCONSIN SUMMER HOME - 25 miles No. of Milwaukee. 81,'2 acres- 800 ft. sandy beach. Cement-block 7 rm bungalow. Lge. fireplace. 50 ft. pch., one scrnd. Spripg water. Electr. Mrs. A. E Philllps, Port Washington, Wis. R.F.D. 1. 153LTN9-4tp ON ACCOUNT 0F OLD AGE OWNERI MODERN 8 ROOM ALL-YEAR HOUSE, will sacrifice nice corner bunigalow Lake Gteneva. Beautifui location. Sacri- home. Exceent location for physician fice. Sale or exehange. O. Bartell, Cedar or dentist. Joquire- at 351 Oak Circle, Point Pk., Williams Bay, Wju. *Wilmette. 147LTN1O-4tp ________________ 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, G00D LO- 0 O ETUU MRCIA~ cation; 2 enclosed porches, new heat- 16FRRN - UMRCTAE ing plant. $7,500. WiIl take smali down. FIRST CLASS HOUSEKEEPING COT- payment. Wilïnette 1650, everiings. - tages. Frigidaires. Runnng *water; in 4 IRRIGATION SPRIHKLERS. bMADE SbY Sklnnerý Irrigation Co.-trademark- ed -Big Square Sprinkler" suitable for g9olf crée., sm., parks, munlclpallties, and or lge. estate; 2 of, these, sprinklers neyer used, 2 ýslightlY, used. 6 elec. West- ;nghouse, swimmhg. tank lights In good condition, orlginally . used ln circular, swimrnlng poo ýl. Chemical Laboratory. equipmnt. including scales', etc. Doctorls office, equipmt. ,lncludlng steel instru- ment cabinet, steel glass top tables, with, chairs, and a complee dJathermyý and accessories. Write B- 216 box, 60, Wil- mette 111. 173LltNG4tp rOIR 1MMEDIATE SALE 0F YOUER unnecessary furniture, boubehold ef- feets andI antiq~ues, PHONE UNI. 0189. CROST FRIUE STORE, establiubecl ]BU.,. will give yur al-~ a tten~- tAon, for single items or conmplete bomne. 173LTN49-tf4e VERY LOW PRICE; GLOTHING, WASR boiler; wash board, fernery, books, nicture; ukelele, tipolo, tennis rackets. Table, dumb belîs, plates. Winnetka 3878. 173LTNII-Itp VII LAGE. TRADINÎG POST - 372 HAZEL AVE.. GLEN. 2039 HlPrley ironer, $50. Desk. Men's shoes. Dresses. Fur jacket, Pointeci fox scarf. PENFIELD HILO AUTOMAC GA water heater. 40 g aI. Two years old. Oriplnallv solci for $143.00.. Perfect con- dltlofl. $40.00. Gre. 2811. 173LTN11-Itp CAR TRttNK WITH 3 FITTEp SUIT- cases, in good, conzdition. A100 wfre fencilng, posts and gate. Ph. Wilmette LADY'S ENGLISH RALEIGH GAZELLE bicycle, new, $28. Alsô lawnniower, good condition, $3. Glencoe 1778. _________________ 173LTN11-tp .- 1