vised "purge movement" brought to light how this, extensive poliical ma- c hine, financed by the American people generaily, can be,madèe to operate even against Denocratic senators a n d -congressmen them- selves wherx the New Deal chiefs decide a m'o n g themselves who, should represent the partyand the people. It caused a "rebellion"' and Congress, has decîded- to. take sorne stepà'toward remnedying the evil. Te so-called:,Hatch,ËBih is an ex- ample. In substance it is designed to restrain goverflment employees from using their officiai authority to coerce and -influence voters, and it is designed to put a stop to -the. vicious practice of exploiting the un- fortunate on relief. In a sense this measure is the answer of Congress to the "upurge." 'I siusly, dout, that a measure of this character would have obtained the congres- sional support it bas received wer~e it not for the purge experience. Cer- tainly as a strictly partisan mea- sure it would not have a chance of enactment.1 Check on New Deal Bit by bit, in one way and another, in its rebellion against Executive, Cest Taxpayers .$220,803.425 Trhe officiai figures show thgt in the foure.years, fromn 1933 to 1937, the, total cost to thée taxpayers of departmental literature-theë paper, printing and lostpostage revenue- bas been '$220,'8039425. Lt bas 'rep- eentd a'dailýy cost of,$180,987. It is a. known fact, hardlyý open to <dispute. that a 'ver .y large perceént- age, of the literature which baàs been *mnailed by the departmnents bas not been, strictly speaking, of an offi- ciai character but rather simnply of a rgna nature. t bas been designed, flot to present an accurate * account of a particular depart- ment's work, but rather to paint- and accomplishments., 1The Congrees adopted the amend- ment of Senator. O'Maboney and tbereby placed a "check on'the New Dleal propaganda machine. And so, unwittingly, the "purge" bas had sone. wortbwhile results. t placed Congress ini the mood to try to place a rein on the New Deal political- propoganda machine. Amueieua]m e .Coff..tdO la Rd 1 -1b. bag iSo Nfational'Delluxe Cff.. 2-b. kms jr4c Gô14 Mod"al i»M 54b9 Campbell's POX &36-Oz.1 JlAA-mo Flovors *e 314C pkgs. 1 0