2 SUPER. FUATURES ThTini iRomce Plus ~ - Memorable Dralm Blchard RartIielmuess Ige ryFon" -A rleen Whelaa "ONflYANGELS rMarjorle Weaver-Aile»r"iy .HAVI WINGS" Yug u imoi Satur<ay Matie 49"OREGfN TIRAZL" SellaI > LUCKY laHT Plue "doiheMenj<>u 46KINGO OP THE TURF"* Sat. Mat,: Serlai Sun.-Mon.-Tues. "'UNION PACIFIC1" Plus Bing Crosby WednuedayTbursday Year's Surprise Rit 66GRAND ILLUSION" (Ruglish Tities) Plus Virgirnta Bruce 66SOCIETY LAWYER", VALENCIA two boys are acused 0fmur Too Much Glh Loses Girls' J( Glamour doesn't alwa ini Hollywood, a dozen WIlmet or Wlnmetk Jthe girls trooped to the spot desig- aimour nated. But their triumph was short- lived. obs "I'm sorry, girls, but we can't use you" Reed informed the group. ,ays pay, even "We want high school girls for n gilded high1 -Whaa Life.' You kids are too 'ered recentl lv. innII,,a I Ne. Saturday. Sanday end Helîdays Eveciegs - Seers Open et 600-26c f. 6:30 Acres or Ire. Parkbe suae. la N.olieus Loul orne Full Week Stardtlng rluay, July 2mt UIJUAREZO P "IRIDAL SUITE» Plus MTey Ak.d Michael Wbaleu. Joy Hoiges. James Also-Special Z Rosi Ifewe I Frl~ J'. Varh Uvid. rClark Ur w la Color