Even with other, local attractions drawing large numbers of people,. the "Starliglit Symphonies".' concert at Wilmnette amphitheatre Wednes- day night of last. week mainitained its high: record of, attendance, Ideal weather ýconditions contributed to the enjoyment. of an unusually fine progran. For the entertainment 'of music loyers, the noted conducter, Albert Goldberg, will :direct the 'Illinois. Symphony orchestra in a programn including two speeial fleatures of rare appeal wvhen it presents the fourth of the present series Wed- nesdày evening, August 2, at 8:.15. Macdonald Soloist John Macdonald, Chicago City Operaeompany bais, is announced as ýsoloist. Mr. Macdonald was grad uated from Northwestern uni- vers ity where he was a member of the Glee club and the A Cappella choir. He has been soloist at St. James Episcopal church, the Fourth Presbyterian churcli, and with the Apollo club and the Civic orchestra. He. relinquished hiii positions in the ,WinnetkaWater Classie Wil eHeld Augut6 President ~Quarter-Mile Race to Be Open to Ail Regidents of Norih Shore Villages The l7th annual water carnival of the 'Winntka patk distrit will be held Sunday afternoon, August 6, at the Lake Front beach at the foot o! Maple street. The events will start at 2:30 r o'clock. The star event of the program, the quarter-mile open champion- ship, will be open to residents of Wilmette, Kenilworth, and Glencoe, as well as Winnetka, while the other 22 races will be iimited to Win- Sanborn Hale this week annouiuced he has his collection- machinery all set for. receiving paymnents of the, second instalîment of the 1938 t axes. ]For the past 10 .deys. he and bis office force have been mailing out, notices reminding that the second. iristalîment will be due and payable at the collector's office, in the First National batik 0f Winnetka, 739 Ern street, fromý August to6 21, both dates inclusive.' His daily office hours wifl be from 8 o'clock a.m. until 2:15 o'clock t.ml., extept on Saturdays, wlién they will be from 8 o'clock a.m. to 12:30 o'clock p.m., and from 2:30 o'clock p.m. to 6:00 o'clock p.m. Penalty Dates In. case any tax payer hasn fot paid the first instailment of his 1938 taxes, nor his personal property bill, Mr. Hale explains that he will also receive the same, but they must be in the form of a certifled check, or a oas.s for tnis season after nis 'suc- cessful debut in five different parts in* eleven perormances. .Mr. Macdonald will sing. two arias by Verdi, "Il lacerato spirito" !rom -Simon Boccanegra" and "Infelice" from "Etnani."c A word o! caution to those plan- ning to enter the race wias publish- ed this week by George Caskey, SWinnetka park superintendent. Hie emphasized that the North Shore championship race is a long and bard swim which tests the endur- Moffett photo ance of the best o! distance swim- 234 Sheri- mers. He warned that participants was elect- should be in good physical condi- ?woLy-organ- tion and in form. n-F tho w~Ein w 1 P t"f Particular attention is called to the fact that the penalty now due o n unpaid first instalnients o! the 1938 real estate taxes and also on unpaid personal property tax, lu two iier cent, up to and mncluding Au«ust 1. After that date it wifl be three. per cent until September 1, at which time the penalty will also begin to accrue, on unpaid second install- menti, and increase at the rate o! one per cent a month, in other words Commerce, which is sponsoring the M wr..ai present series of concerts extends a has arranged with a group of yQung Greenw<ý cordial invitation to the public to women to contact by telephone 'resi- from a, enjoy these fine programs, given ini dents of the village soliciting contri- Texas, w one of the most entrancing spots to butions for the symphony concert ton to be found. anywhere. The Chamnber fund. Sundiof.