and is also, on leave from his work as, president of the Christian. col- lege of Allahabad, India, where.he has, been-doing notable work fra nuniber of years. Dr. Higginbottom is a graduate of the Moody school at North- field, Mass., and of Princeton uni- versity. When a. senior at Princeton, lie told a veteran missionary wlio was on furlough that, if the way opened, he woulcl go out as a misslonary. The. way did open, andtrutne o 'lis word, he went to India as a teadher. He was assigned the subject of ec- mnomies, for want of any other def- inite assignmcnt. Aids Indian Farmers True to lis disposition and inclin- ation, lie introduced a unique mneth- od of teaching. Instead of confining took his classes out on walks into the country. What lie saw in the rural districts and villages of India convinced him that there was ur- gent cail for 'new methods in agri- culture if the starving millions.were to lie saved physically. as weli as spiritually. He introduced agricultur- al education, along with evangelism., and this was to be the unique con-. tribution which le was to malce to the missionary enterprise. His work has been acclaimed throughout the Christian world. Dr. liigginbottom is at present president of Allahabad c o 1 1 e g e. Prirneton manutfactured a new de- i wmueMWoitChurcli school. August 13-Dr. Frank M. McKib- ben, professor at Northwestern uni- versity. and Garrett Biblical Iftsti- tute, and noted religious educator.. Agst20. and 27-Dt'. Elmer Ells- worth Helms, formerly of the First Methodist churcih i Los Angeles, Calif., a. widely known popular speaker, preacher and writer.. It' Dr. Sam H:igginbottom, mod- wiil be recalled that he supplied the erator of the Genet-ai AssèmbiV localpulpit several weeks last sum-' of the Presbyterzan- denomina- mer during the transition of pastors. Miss Marie Briel wiil preside at tion,'will preach atthe services h osl fth ra hogu in the First Presbyterian church the month of August and the follow- of' Wilmette Sunclay: morning, ing.local soloists wlU be heard dur- Jul2y 30, at Il o'clock. ing the four weeks: - August 6-Miss Edna Davison, so- Dr. Higginbottom is on leave 0f prano. a»seee ~August 13-Mr. Bob Fuessie, bari- as president of the Christian college August 20- Mrs. Dewey Anderson, at Allaha'bad, India. soprano. August 27-Mr. C. Roilin Smith, 1 . baritone. Pnotogranhwc Club The pastor will be in the pulpit on 017 September 3 and Mrs. Charles T M et t 2Lerch will be the guest violinist. To M e ugust Regular services for the fail with The Nrth horechoir and quartet will be resumed The Nrth horePhotographie September 10, which date will be« club, recently organized, entertain- ohserved as Rally Day. ed IIelen Morrison, noted artist, whose home. je ni Wizinetka, et the CHECK BICYCLES regular meeting of the club held The Wlmette police 4epartmentj Wednesday of last weelç on the.Or- is majig a check of locafly owned rington bhotel roof. Mis Morrison bicycles, and notices are being servéd as critic at an, exhibit o! the served that the ordinance requires works of club members. ail such vehicles to lie licensed. The next meeting of the club 18 Chie! Cloyd C. MeGuire also pointsi set for Wednesday, August 2, et the out that bicycle regulations are also1 Orrington, when a special program bemng enforced, especiaily thoset wil be presented. which prohibit two persons ridingr on one bicycle, lie also states thats Made up entirely o! non-profes- bicycle riders must obey "stop anid sional camera enthusiasts, the club go" signals and stop signe, and ail was organired several weeks ago, other traffic régulations. with Dr. Charles B. Blakçe of WUl-- miette as'presideit. Merubers are. DIIIIlIIhhIIIihIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII On Fridayr, JulY 28, fiour cele- brated opera stars"-Gite ýStueck-' go1&d. Eyvind ,Laholm, uan Fiser~andSuznneSten-will join thé orchestra iii Ravinia's- gala, an evenmng of Wagner.anci Strauss. The first hal!f ofý the gala pro- gram will be devoted to excer pts from Richard Wagners great works. "Lohengrin," "'.'Tannhauser" and "Der Rosenkavalier,"1 including the brilliant trio i Act 3. Jacques iGordoswï, oistg During hie second week, Ra- 'vinia's final week of the season, Rodzinski wiil have as soloist, on Friday, August 4, Jacques Gordon, violin virtuoso, who for many years was concertmaster of the Chicago Symphony orchestra. Gordon will be heard in the premniere of a violin (Continued on page 7), Westmorekrnd WiII Ibid Tam O'Shanter Tournament Aug. 8 SMembers and guests of the West- rnoreland Country club are looking forward with keen anticipation to the 1939 Tam O'Shanter golf tourna- ment, the big golf event of the year, scheduled for Tuesday, August 8. Play will be for the famous Tam O'Shanter trophy, and many other valuable prizes. The day of golfing will .be elfin- iy cons*cterecl ii n bodiçs. Livvuvua tr iiignt of ithe projec- bis j