The order, or service ati l oclock Wil ýinclude the folloWihg: Prelude-Prelude.......Bôrowski Solo --"My Lord Thy Wifl* Be Done" ......... Ganron- (Mrs. G. F. Simons) Offertory-Prelude anld Fugue ln DMinor............. .Bach, Authonty'......Mtthew 7:28-29 The Sermn--'Teach*ng With Authority"......athw7:28-28 Poitlude-March Solennelle . Borowski On Sunday, Augugt 6, Hioly Communion wifl be celebrated ini the il1 o'clock serv- Ioe. Announcements wlll be received'af- ter Supday's servies, or on Fniday, August 4, frm 3 to 8 p.M., at. the parsonage. suatiaUy * bjJLeJI8UÇ;.. peigea *** tion'wifl be .found in thé table In 'the, N4arthex. next Sunday. morning. You- are urged to send in your reservationfs now.] Evangelical Lutherain 1010 Central avenue, Wilmette' The Rev. David R. Kabele, -pastor Early service.--............. 8:30 gam Church school.......... ......:30> a.m. Second service ......... ....... Il a.m. ...The music -for the services of worsbip next Sunday morning is as follows: Prelude-Prayer ............Woodmaný Solo-In Heavenly Love Abiding........... .,Speaks Mr. Albert Ecken berg Postlude-Mardhe Romaine. ... Gounod Hol1y Comforter. (Épiscopal) Kenilworth avenue and Warwick ;road Rev. Leland H. Danforth, rector SI A.M.-Music from Memorial Siniging Tower. 9:30 A.M.-Holy Comniunion. Brief the Rev. . H. Forster. During the rector's summeër holiday, the Rev. Mr. Forster (815 Ridge, ter- race, Evanston, Gre, 3214) will be on cali, in case, of emergency-. lie will take over the service, at 9:30 A.M. every Sunday iJuly, -the il ýo'clock -service, being omitted: on the summer schedule. Horizons"'Tis 1515Js ig si. pLea5flifl appointnient before vacation. Dr. Allisoni will be the -guest-preacher in this. church for the month of. August and through Labor Day Sunday. , He may be reached at bis home in ail cases where the services of a: pastor are re- quired- or .deslred. Mr, Hindley is slm. ilarly availlable for the-remainder of"the. month. St. Augustitne's .(EpIscopal) DPr. Hubert Carleton, rector, Sunday,. July ý30, wiil be the, eighth Sunday after Trinity. Therewill be, Holy Communion at 8 A.M., and Morning Prayer, and Sermon at il A.M.