To qualify for the quartermaster rating, the midshipmen must show ON TIP EAST a tliorough knowlédge of the follow- Miss Dorothy Hall of 500 Central' ing naval requirernents: ability to. avenue and Miss Ann Klapperich of report and take accurate soundings; 412 Central avenue left last Friday send and receive ten words per min- for a week or ten-day,,trp east. They ute by.semaphore; show proficiency, will go, toý the New, York fair and: i handling knockabout sloops;' qual-, visit friends in Philadelphia. ~che1 zsiect'q HILLCREST Foges GIRLS4 Over qumimatr etury suaccssful expert- arone wlhJor. girls. Accredited prep. anatoh or l5h School or 'Academly. ELGIN' sumamer mds&le un ACADEMY lun eA An.4 Igepreparatory. mant& . Sfuoi.v Griffin Photo Readyi to crash into the cameraman are Bobbi, Merrifteld of Wil- mette and Davey O'Brien, AlI-American quart el back from Texas Christian university, who ha been inatructing in football tactics ut St. John's summer camp, Delaflel, Vhs. Bobby, sonl of Dr. and Mrs. F, W. MerriftlZd, 1014 Elmwood avenue, is vacation1tng at thefWisconsin camp. O'Brien recentZy left camp to practice with the Ail-star team whitch ill play the New York Giants Auguat 30 in Chica go. He will joir& the Philadelphia Eagles for faîl practice immediately after the game.. Ov.rnigM Case' Wardrob. Cass Gladsf on. Sas Zipper legs Camp Trmnks Boalrding Schools By Marjorie MeLean Leary School Consultant There are a great many fine' board- ing schools in and around the Chi- cago area from which just the right school can be selected. This group includes a fine country sechool autnorizeca Scnool .Consutant for this news magazine. Her serv- ices are offered free to ail read- ers and are made available to parents by appointments which can be arranged by contacting this news magazine. Our Sehool1. Consultant has a background of. tich experience in personal con- tact with schools throughout the country. lRemember, her serv- ices are available without cost TRA VIL Si STRUT F1.001STATE BANK e scnooiJAbsituU LeU on a JaLious we L the ke advantage of a - boarding 1of GIIEN FIELDS PREPARATOIT SCHOOL FOR BOYS Tucsoni,LAizona Boardlng andi Country Day Bch@oI. Ages 0 througb 16. An eutablished ranch school which successfulypre. pares boys for sasterti preparatory achoole. Ctlguse.Addres Director. P. 0. Box 171 li'Linde'n avenue, ILLINOIS