Deal spendinig theories as the way to recovery. It has lost confidence in the Administration's program. In the last few weeks we have witnessed a rebellion in Congress. In a very real, sense' it lias. repudi- ated White House eadership. To what *extent'this attitude reflects the attitude of the people remains toïbe seen. ButI think the pé ople. gener- ally should find encouragement in the knowledge that more "economy" speeches are now being delivered in Congress than speeches for. "bigger and,*b.etter" appropriations.* It is a * believe it or nt"-the Congress. is becoming ýeconomy minded! Await Public Verdict. It -is another 'believe t or not- the Congress has gone se far as to refuse even so rnuch as to consideri two major recommendations madel ty thxe P res ident. t refused 40 o de- bate the so-called Spending-Iending Bill and it refused to debate the so- called Housing Bill. The flouse didnt defeat these measures. It said. "We will not consider them." As to whether this "independent- economy" attitude* continues over int the. next session opening in January. depends upon what the people say to their Representatives When they return home to repair their pooitical fences. A Corigress- Miss Gladys Engels, niece of Mrs. Catherine Cote of 2403 Glenvlew road, returned lest Sunday* from a ffishing trip in the north woods. She went, with Mr. -and Mis. M., Keflen of Chicago and Jo Michelau of * Evanston. Carel E. Anderson is visiting his; brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dewe y Anderson of 208 GolIf terrace. Hle'has stopped off on his way from New York to Iowa.. THIE VERY, lEST. HfeasadErnier y.ure sMr* te eul.yI HOTErL, M"O.RAeINý,E.. HIGHLIANO PARIC. ILI. "I thipk well be neighbors agait, * soon when yon, ditwover as we did t;he advantages of living in an elevater * apartynent building. l'ma " owywe didn't make the change years ao he rtLurns nom tulli e an a5LVV ail of himself will determine ini large! measure, bow he wilI conduct him- self. at the next session. If the people really want their Representa- tives to be "independent" and to 'economize." they will not only have the opportunity to tell them so, face to face. in the nect few months but they *w ill also have the opportunit to make it so when the next election rolis arounci. That's the value o! a democracy. Ilere you'Il find ail the comforts and servi( burden of extra responsibilities. Compare then decide. Youll agrev