Leo Richard Soukup. White giadioli and white phlox dec- orated the altar of St. Francis Xavier church last Saturday ,mnorn- ing at Il 'clock wben Dorothy Helen Pettinger exchanged marriage vows with Lee Richard Soukup of Wil- mette, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Soukup, of, Chicago., The. bride is the ,daughter of Mrý and Mrs. George W.. Pettinger of 1424 Wilmette ave- nue. The. Rev. John O'Mara officiatezd at the -marriage, service and nuptial mass. Miss, Virgiffia von Eber of Wmnnetka, a -friend of the bride,. pre- sented piano solos, the Bach-Gounod "Ave Maria," and -"Paniis Angeli- cus,". during the nuptial mass. A wedding breakfast for the bridai party, immediate family, and a few intimate friends followed at the Geogian hôbtel The- ornament oni~ the wedding cake is more than twenty-three years old and was on the wedding cake of her aunt and namesake, Mrs. Timothy Jans of Evanston. It has been placed on many other wedding cakes in the family. àis YeIIow and White Aninformai dinner dance wil be augmented with games, entertain- ment,, and side-shows .presented in typical carnival fashion. Lou Diamond, and his orchestra will furnfish music for the dancing. which will begin. et,9: 30,'cilock. Luncheon Hostes Mre. R. W Schuettge of Kenil- worth entertained - ýten 'guests a t luncheon lest Thursday in honor.of, Mrs. Carol Snyder of Pittsburgh,, who is visiting her mother in High-' land Park. For Miss Elamne Mangel's m-ar- riage to Norman Granstrom, on Au- gust 4, thé Winnetka Congregational church, was decorated in. a yellow and white color scheme. Cybotium ferns and two 42-armed candelabra formed the background of the altar., and four, silver urns filled with yel- low gladiloli- were. placed 'in the chancel. Pews were m arked loff. with bouquets of yellow gladioli ticd with white satin bows. The, bride, who i s the dauùghter of Mr. -and Mrs., John Mangel -of VWin- netka', worea géwn of White miir- quisette over siipper satin ,np rin- cess style with short :puffed sleeves and sweeétheart neckli ne . Her head- dréss was a tiara ,m ade of tiny orange - blossomrs. and. she carried white stephanotis 'blooms and Mies of the valley. The 'xajd QI ioor was thebriçle's sister. Miss Venita Mangel. She and i1he three bridesmaids. IVrs. Greig Yarger. Miss Betty Jones. and Mrs. Lawrence Buc-kmiister., were dressed alike ini gowns of yel-, low marquisette over yellow taffeta.- They carried white daisies.and alsip wore them in their hair. Barbar.- El-aine Yarger, who was the, flower girl. was dressed similarly. Her sash was of yellow ribbon. Robert A. Granstrom served as